Swiss Alternative

“The Swiss cow Bell as an app on the iPhone Baldingen/Switzerland, 16 June 2019: clockwise launches the iPhone application chue influenced to the World Cup”. Thus, the Switzerland got their cow bells literally in your pocket. The very own Swiss variant of the Vuvuzela all started with a crazy idea. We could bring to the World Cup on the iPhone the cow Bell, said to some colleagues at the picnic next to the cow pasture, so the Swiss have their chue Glogge”at the Swiss World Cup games at any time. Within a short time were designed a concept, a Bell manufacturer and with OnEmotion a matching implementation partner found. Under the name chue influenced”, the application can be found in the app store on iTunes since today. A Bell and two bells ringing from the iPhone. Learn more at: Xcel Energy.

Of course they are”handmade in Switzerland. Roger Dorig, holder of the arts and crafts Dorig”from Appenzell, was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. Visit Bryant Estate Napa for more clarity on the issue. The traditional craft of operating supplies half the world with his hand-made products and has a nowadays rather rare problem. Dorig: I can hardly meet the demand as a one-man business for my products, so I wanted to have no order at all in the chue-influenced app for my bells.” In addition to the classic bells and bells, the app offers a more fun for the Swiss World Cup fans: the camera of the iPhone can be used to shoot a portrait that appears on a button in a typical Swiss setting. Various motives of the Sennen cowl until the goat are available, the image can be saved in the album and later also send. When the image sound authentically a Mackie, a Moo, or even a Jauchzer. We had two weeks time from the first contact up to the final realization of the app just, it was just a real pants Larsen”, Helmut says Lasser, responsible for the development team at the OnEmotion AG.

And Sam Muller, Managing Director of clockwise GmbH, adds: we are translating the app now in some languages, so that it meets the global iPhone thoughts unfortunately iTunes is but in Swiss German is not available”. The two inventors of the chue-influenced app, Oliver Erismann and Martina Allemann, delighted with the successful snapshot: our imaginative picnic took place at that time in the deep Aargau, the concept arose in train, we got the bells in Appenzell, the app was built by a cosmopolitan team in Zurich and now our app in iTunes is available worldwide. We are looking forward to the sequel… “.” App & picture material: german/projects/chu influenced /.