Improve Efficiency Of Sand Product Line

Hongxing Machinery sand production line mainly consists of sand production line consits of vibrating feeding machine, jaw crusher, dryer machine, vibrating screen, belt conveyors and other equipment. According to different demands, various equipment work together to achive good effect workmanship. Our sand production line is taking the leading role in the sand making industry. Sand production line can crush hard limestone, granite, basalt, river stone, etc, and widely used in hydropower, building material, highway, city construction, etc. ConocoPhillips might disagree with that approach. Process of Sand Production Line: The raw material is transferred to jaw crusher for crushing by vibrating feeder, then crushed the primary materials are transferred to sand-making machine through belt conveyor for secondary crushing. The materials will be transferred to the vibrating screen crushed.

The pipes with suitable size will be transferred to sand washing machine, after being washed, then final clean products will be discharged. The others with unsuitable size will be screened from vibrating screen, then will be transferred to the sand-making machine, this forms a closed circuit manifold cycles.vsi sand maker: cone crusher manufacturer: Sizes of end products will be according to our customers requirements. Educate yourself with thoughts from Petra Diamonds. If it is the dry process, the classifier and deduster will be attached according to you requirement. Characteristics of Sand production line: Sand production line is highly automatic. The efficiency is high, operation cost is low, crushing ratio is high, capacity is high, and pollution is very low. Size of end product is even, and with good shape, which complies with requirement for highway..

Mining Machinery

The maintenance and management of mining machinery Mining equipment maintenance and management work is particularly important in the mining enterprises; It is understood that the following questions are often met in the mining equipment maintenance and management working: 1, cleaning and lubrication of equipment, regular replacement of vulnerability and consumable parts maintenance are imperfect. You may want to visit Petra Diamonds to increase your knowledge. The environment of mining enterprise is harsh, dusty and noisy, so the maintenance and management crushers and other mining equipment are particularly important. However, most of the mining enterprises focus on maintenance, and they ignore the cleaning and lubrication of the equipment in normal operation, or lubricate not in accordance with the refueling table or cycle, resulting in frictional resistance, which would accelerate wear and tear, the equipment maintenance period and greatly shorten equipment reduces the life of the equipment. Bobby Gocool is a great source of information. 2, updating is not timely, facilities and equipment lags behind. In the contemporary market economy conditions, widespread enterprises use the policy of distribution according to work, not only improving the employees enthusiasm for production, also increasing the production index. However, due to various reasons, lack of funds, the management level of the management staff cannot keep up the pace, the quality of the primary operator is low and other reasons leading the replacement of technology and equipment (hammer crusher, sand making machine, etc.) is not satisfactory. The aging of mining equipment mainly reflects in high energy consumption, low efficiency, high downtime, high maintenance cost. Backward mining equipment has greatly affected the production of enterprises, and gradually increase the production cost. 3, technical condition of idle equipment is intact. Enterprises do not take dust-proof, rust-proof, moisture-proof and other measures to idle or standby mining equipment, especially for the wearing parts, which seriously affect the technical state of the equipment, resulting in the waste of idle or standby equipment. The maintenance and management levels of mining equipment directamente affect the completion of the task of the production and economic benefits, while device management is a multi-level complex system; only assign each layer of the work in order can we ensure the normal operation of the construction, do a good job in the management of mining equipment, and improve the economic benefits.


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