Secretary General Industralists

She is one of the requests that towards an industralist and which the model of the Platform defended Connections, that I help as much it in its beginnings. And he is that he considered himself fundamental, the constitution of a real and effective network that harnesses and foments the use of the technological tools like means of generation of alliances between women industralists, impelling its total participation in the virtual community like resource to compete in the markets. the age, like symbol of experience of the enterprising ones not always well is valued. He was another one of the testimonies of an industralist who demanded measures that favor the generation of alliances between autnomos/as.As she indicated Bethlehem Ferrer, director of Foundation MOA is the moment of which new models like outsourcing among others, begin to value themselves professionally as much by companies as by the people enterprising. To undertake is risk and opportunity The President of the Platform Connections, transfer the necessity to fortify the support and effective advising to the people who want to create their own business, in the conviction of which to undertake becomes exposition in which Iaqui agreed Grouse, manager of Madrid Undertakes, that in addition showed the dynamism of the City of Madrid like tolerant territory, innovating and with opportunities. Julia Garci’a-Glass, also I raise the necessity that civil society Administration, educative system and enterprise organizations as the Platform rows in the same direction .

Another one of the assistants, Sebastin Reyna, Secretary General of UPTA, indicated is crisis of knowledge no potentiality but, of data of allegiances to Social Security, yes detect certain crisis of emprendimiento, and it although there are many opportunities to discover, aspect in which Ana Santiago, Assistant director of entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Antonio Gigirey, director of Salvia Communication, agreed, indicating on the other hand the necessity of continuous formation in this matter and generation of novel tools for the company already set up as for example data bases of the premises of rentable businesses. Who is PLATFORM CONNECTIONS Result of the initiative of a group of women is an Enterprise Federation tie industralists and professionals a different organizations and associations of women who have united their experience and knowledge to do in emprendimiento, self-employment, creation and consolidation of companies. With more than 3,000 associates, its creation responds to objective to foment the generation of enterprising initiatives, the fortification of networks that proportions opportunities and formation to the women independent, industralists and enterprising. A form different to understand the world of the company and where the values and the conciliation, constitute an essential element.