With this sped up growth of the production industries, the accumulation of lixes comes increasing, causing impacts to the environment, which had to the potential and the time of detention of the same ones for the nature. Being thus this research it has as objective to look possible causes of these problems, to argue and to analyze the disposal of the discarding of humid and solid residues generated by the population and to clarify doubts how much its contribution for the protection of the environment. The 2 RESIDUES OF MODERN SOCIETY 2,1 Man, Great Polluting agent. Pollution is an undesirable modification of the environment, in general provoked for the human being for the introduction of chemical products (the pollutants) that they can cause damages, directly or indirectly, to the proper humanity. (LINHARES, 2005, p.540).
The pollution is it of the water, of air, of the ground or the food the addition of materials in amount is considered as that cause an undesirable alteration and that the survival or the activities of the man and the too much existing organisms in the planet can threaten. When the human being does not obtain to explore of form adjusted the resources that the nature offers, the environment goes suffering with the rubbish from these products, thus causing the call pollution. One of the biggest aggressions to the environment is the produced solid residues in urban areas, popularly garbage calls. Industrialization was the main factor for the exaggerated contribution of residues, therefore the man felt the necessity to produce new packings despertando new before inexistent necessities of consumption. Good part of the world lives today in a consumption society, where almost everything lasts little and is dismissable. The production of as many varieties of devices, foods, packings, automobiles, and among others is made to the cost of the consuming of the natural resources. Moreover, industrial products exist that if they decompose very slowly.