Pedagogical Tool

INTRODUCTION In virtue of events that had taken the favorable situations of the use of histories in quadrinhos in classroom, appeared the choice for this subject, in the direction to privilege diversified activities and creative, that propitiated moments of pleasure and discovery and histories in quadrinhos are one of the medias that the man created, a time that despertam in the pupils the taste for the reading, comment of the colors, say of them, the headings, the transmitted ideas and the rhythm of histories. According to Flag (2009, P. 1): In the basic and average education, the quadrinhos not yet are enclosed as content programmarian in the pertaining to school resumes, and not even as didactic methodology to teach others you discipline such as Portuguese, mathematical language, geography, etc. Are observed that in the etrias bands of basic and average education it has great consumption of quadrinhos for the estudantil public. The quadrinhos help to the children and young to consolidate its habits of reading and understanding of ideas, without speaking of the potential of the quadrinhos in working curricular contents because of its great acceptance. In the present time to work with histories in quadrinhos can be a proposal of incentive to the development of the language in Portuguese language, as well as stimulating the abilities of reading, dramatizao, artistic count of infantile histories, and presentations, as main pedagogical resources. In this direction, the general objective of this work is to search the Use of HagQu Software as Pedagogical Tool in the Creation of Histories in Quadrinhos: a strategy of education for the pupils of 5 series of the municipal school Shining River, located in the Avenue Lourival Barbosa, n 882, Olmpico Quarter in the city of Shining River, the Golden Region, the year of 2009, period this delimited for the development of this research. The choice for this subject if gave for professional reasons, therefore being teacher of Arts of Basic Ensino and Room of Educational Technology I come working analyzing activities related to the use of histories in quadrinhos as didactic resource in the search to extend the knowledge of the pupils on comicses, its elements and in varied activities, mainly those come back toward the construction of the reading and writing, involving the technological tools.