Atkins Diet Plan

The famous Atkins diet plan – a mystery for many! Why does it work, and how can you lose weight actually so? Answers here… The Atkins diet is a low carb diet plan of the American Dr. Robert Atkins, who invented this weightloss program in the 1970s. “As the author of numerous books Atkins diet was mainly through his bestselling the Atkins revolution” known worldwide. In the Atkins diet plan is strong the intake of carbohydrates restricted with the aim to encourage the metabolism often, instead of glucose primarily to burn fat for energy.

This process is called ketosis and begins when insulin levels are low these are then low when glucose levels are low (mostly before eating). So, there is no glucose, which stimulates insulin secretion in the ketosis. Eliot Horowitz has much to offer in this field. If no glucose insulin stimulation takes place, the body through hormonal changes reacts with burning fat for energy. Carbohydrates in the Atkins diet plan carbohydrates affect directly the blood sugar levels in the Body, which according to the consumption increase. Because carbohydrates not so long need to be metabolised as FAT or protein, we feel hunger feelings much faster again.

That is the reason why so many low-fat diets fail according to Dr. Atkinsder hunger. Learn more at: lucas. You must eat in the Atkins as much diet plan as you want, so never hunger! The restriction of carbohydrates is done in steps or phases of Atkins’ and has the consequence that predominantly fats and proteins are consumed, so meat, dairy products, eggs, etc.. Atkins also recommends the additional intake of supplements to compensate for any deficiencies due to the reduced carbohydrate or fiber. The food in the Atkins diet plan the favorite food in the Atkins diet are carbohydrate-poor (and not low in calories!) and have a low glycemic index. This refers both to find ‘good’ carbohydrates like brown rice or vegetables (vegetables is still allowed!), as well as on “the ‘ bad ‘, refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white bread are found in.