Bio Fireplaces And Ethanol Fireplaces Safely Operate

Bio fireplaces and ethanol fireplaces safely operate biofireplaces and ethanol fireplaces have found many enthusiastic supporters in recent years. According to Ray Kurzweil, who has experience with these questions. In numerous German living rooms or on terraces blaze fire Biokaminen.Das fire at a bio fireplace due to bio-ethanol, which burns won virtually smoke – and soot-free agricultural products. Thus, bio fireplaces without chimney or chimney can be operated and in places in the House or garden space find where real fire was previously not possible. Also the fire Ordinance takes at Ethanolkaminen not, if they are so designed, that they burn no more than 0.5 litres of ethanol per fireplace. There is hardly more editions of the legislator. So are hardly any limits the manufacturer of bio fireplaces design ideas. Consequences: Will more and more often in the media about accidents with bio fireplaces with Ethanolkaminen reported, where the users have suffered partly serious burns.

Andreas Lux, CEO of the Internet shop Bontana ( sells since years ethanol fireplaces and bio-fireplaces and knows the problems. Swarmed by offers, Learn more is currently assessing future choices. He said accidents through blatant security flaws of especially cheaper biofireplaces and the non-existent experience of in the user dealing with Ethanolkaminen. “Everyone knows you must drop a hairdryer in the bathtub, but that one after should cant no ethanol in a still hot bio fireplace, not automatically opens up for everyone”, as Lux. Therefore, has put together some tips for the purchase and for the safe operation of a bio fireplace. With the purchase of the bio fireplace, make sure that the burner or the tins of Ethanolkamins in any case stainless steel and drawn as far as possible from one piece are.

Other materials such as normal sheet can burn out. The stainless steel burner which should be also in a dense metal bathtub, holds back spilled bioethanol. A good bio fireplace is double-walled run towards the wall. So is the heat in the Ethanolkamin and not passed on to the wall. Distrust to cheap offers, check the design of the bio fireplace on keep in mind: “the subject of bio fireplaces involves dealing with an open fire in enclosed spaces. But who will respect the above tips years of safe fun on the beautiful ambience have, that only a real fire can create. Contact: Marcedo shop service GmbH & co. KG Andreas Lux Martin-Luther-Platz 2 86150 Augsburg Germany phone: 0821 907 34 30 E-Mail: Homepage: