Smartphones and tablets have become in recent years most popular games devices, but the games available for these platforms are of course simple, given the obvious limitations. Cloud Gaming called Onlive service aims to change this situation. The Palo Alto company released on Wednesday an application that will allow users to play the games of their service on Apple Ipads, Samsung Galaxy s and also on Amazon Kindle Fire. This campaign represents one of the first attempts in providing games for cell phone consumers the same titles that are released for consoles and computers, including some as popular as Batman: Arkham city or Assassins Creed: revelations. The release of this new application aims to mark a milestone in the history of the games for mobile, OnLive founder and President Steve Perlman said in a press release the games for cell phone and mobile devices will never again be the same as before. The application that Onlive offers free, has been specifically customized and tested on Ipads, kindle fire and many Android tablets, said Pearlman. It also plans to extend the compatibility of the applications to the Iphone and other Smartphones Android that have been left out of the list. The company and its partners have been added several titles that can be controlled using the touch keyboard, among which are: Lego Harry Potter and Virtua Tennis.. (A valuable related resource: Bryant Estate).