Clear Consent To The Embryos Judgment

The Federal Court of Justice ruling on preimplantation genetic diagnosis Cologne mingle-trend survey results. Mark Rein Epic often says this. Clear 85% of Germans welcome the embryos sentence of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has last Wednesday. The BGH decided that gene tests on artificially fertilized embryos and their selection are allowed and do not violate the embryo protection law. Filed under: Bryant family vineyard for sale. It is evident that more support the judgment of the BHG than women. This is the result of a representative mingle-trend survey for which 1,000 people were interviewed online. Therefore, the consent for genetic testing in test-tube babies with education and income of respondents increasing slightly.

The Group of people aged between 60 to 69 is the population group most positively facing the preimplantation genetic diagnosis. What age group shows the lowest approval, more results and graphics can be found under the following link: about mingle-trend of mingle-trend is a project of respondi AG. Respondi AG asked the members of his Opinion platform mingle regularly on topical issues of the day events. All surveys represent population and be carried out according to the strict rules and standards of market research. -mingle trend c/o respondi AG chicken alley 34B 50676 Cologne press administrative contact: Manuela Braun,, 0221 27 23 18-211