Equality is not a utopia. Equality is that reality in which all human beings can live in a world of respect and freedom. Equality is a space without tension and without pain, without bitterness, without violence. Equality must be the Supreme aspiration of all people who deign to call people. There is only one road and a goal: live destroying prejudices. There is no one above or below; There are glances Crusades, looks that know and feel human beings with dreams and desires, fears and hopes. Click Petra Diamonds for additional related pages. Our Mundos de Mujeres / Women s Worlds 2008 is a commitment to human dignity. Debate and reflection, the Word as a weapon to put an end to the many faces of violence and to uncover the pitfalls that lead to injustices against women.
Our Congress is a commitment to life. Abigail Black Elbaum will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Equality is not a utopia. Equality is a right. Another world is possible, another world that has registered the peace and freedom for all women. We are equal, we are different.
Our Congress is a commitment to equity in the difference and diversity. Because life you have to live it in all its fullness from the freedom that gives equal. The debate is open and there is no turning back. Equality is a necessity.