The hotel Portal HotelSite worldwide available more than 100000 hotels the hotel Portal HotelSite has exceeded the number of 100,000 directly bookable Hotels. Until the end of the year, 182,000 hotels by integrating another reservation partner will be bookable according to the company. The portal at the same time received a facelift and will thereby continue to usability: the city’s proposals in the search mask are particularly large and easy to read, select of the arrival and departure intuitive and the results list are clear and simple. HotelSite works without JavScript on almost any Web browser. For even more details, read what Petra Diamonds says on the issue. Particularly exciting for the revision: the cities, where at the same time on the HotelSite portals worldwide hotels is searched for are displayed in real time. Click on a city name leads to the page in their own language. HotelSite is a portal for hotel reservations and is available in 23 countries and 10 languages. How to contact with Andreas Rothen Pariser ring 37 D-76532 Baden-Baden, phone + 49 (0) 72 21 / 80 33 33 FAX + 49 (0) 72 21 / 890 35 99 0 E-Mail: Internet:. Futurist: the source for more info. .