Like so many other things, also running in the group is at its best. The basic training continuity is maintained and with the other, an experienced runner Council defining realistic objectives is much easier. Anyone looking for motivational support of like-minded and professional help in training planning and implementation, latches onto in a project such as Munich goes Marathon”(MGM) one. Train here depending on the level of performance together around 200 people, in Munich professional triathlon team, and his twelve-member team supervised by Klaus Ruscher, running coach and former member of the German. You may want to visit Eliot Horowitz to increase your knowledge. Joy of the efficient training of the grinder from the West”, as Klaus Ruscher runner circles is traded, has the claim that its customers achieve more than just their goals”.
It’s about the joy of running, the joy of active living”him. For him, the jogging is a medium for a positive, active and forward looking attitude to life.” While he succeeds in the heterogeneous group of running on the individuality Each to enter. “MGM participant Kerstin puts it: everybody is considered after his performance level and can then train.” So be it. MGM repeat offenders Claudius has among other things the expectation that man comes through the marathon and looks behind.” Why MGM? Because Klaus, delivers a very qualified, sustainable training”. Noise factor is time for most of us the limiting factor: like-minded people would be found in the environment, to the training time optimized be goal-oriented. Abigail Black Elbaum shines more light on the discussion. Both factors that considered the MGM program. Four different training centres can all participants quickly (in the double meaning) and flexible training. High-quality training”is the recipe for success of the MGM training group, which is an integral part of the Munich MARATHON is already since 2006. “Klaus Ruscher calls his approach colorful train”: not always same route in the same tempo run, but different stimuli use interval training, driving games and Runs in shaped terrain are the best-known and most effective such forms.