Western Fuels

If there is this need, the Islamic Nations had progressed greatly without need to be running after the deceptions of the policeman and his partner Zionist. Concentrate on oil is to decide international trade has its edges, because as we know fuels of biological origin are entering a stage of scarcity and if you discover, to meet international demand, not reached by what some countries are targeting their substitute. Alternative fuels. As well as entry dangerous in use some varieties of species for the production of fuels or also known as biofuels, mostly from corn and soybeans, which are great demand for global food foods, is is entering a very dangerous for most of humanity trend, by their position to increase malnutrition and hunger problems in more than half of the world’s population that is this coming to cover the three third parties who are suffering hunger. The curious and villainous is appoint how democratic Mexico. I did not know that the Narcocracias are democratic. As we know the world Narcocracia it has in Mexico to its great operational and financial bourgeoisie in this country, as well as the Gran Colombia is also, in both countries the structures of drug trafficking have corroded political, financial system in those countries up to the marrow and why not say it cultural, since no intellectual voice has raised his voice of protest by the lumpenizacion States and above all the policy. In where permeates like Peter by his house the links of the business of the depredation of the lives of thousands of millions of young people around the world.

And it is more ironic talk that as do not earn the rich who want to disguise their businesses with the lives of young people, he mentions incompetence in the WINS state that distributes them to the most needy. Tremendous mistake or delirium tremens in his mind. There are civilizations more civilized and? others not civilized? Another contradiction because we will have to have the perspective of all to analyze them and even so our perspective will be limited by our conditioning of origin, but we’ll see if we understand from the Western dimension as overdue, but they see Westerners as dilapidated, neither technology can decide this variable, because dimension which calls Alvarito Pope as not civilized son its capacity of coexistence with nature is surprising in contrast self-destruction capacity of the West is also amazing, Western man not only Wolf of the same man, if not also of himself.

Attitudes in Life

When you go to work or arrive late to a meeting, this phenomenon is accentuated. You lend little attention to what surrounds you, has to happen something really unexpected or surprising that your attention is diverted and appreciate what experience gives you. It is a curious phenomenon that we have our around a world as complex and detailed, with millions of living beings coexisting in it, hundreds of technological experiences invading our lives, and we are given so little to appreciate this complexity. Children come to stones, leaves and branches that come on the ground. Touch them and appreciate its texture, its smell. They shake the branches and make them in magic wands or any other object itself of any game ending of inventing. Curiosity and invention go hand in hand, they create their world voluntarily, they actively participate in it, they rush to try and discover new things. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to live a little more his way? Go out and see all activity that takes place for a few seconds.

Appreciate the gestures of the driver of the bus, consciously seek the kioskero smile, enjoy the rich everyday life that surrounds us at every moment. He plays with the world, experience, learn and enjoy. Children do constantly, looking for your own delight in it, and we can do it too, although constantly find reasons to say to ourselves that is not possible. Perhaps you’ll be happy when you understand your partner, or when things are less stressful at work, or when you pass any trauma of the past. While you expect that everything lines up, millions of children worldwide bosom to her around in search of something to have fun and have a good time. In that regard, children to bring you much advantage in the art of happiness. But that may change.

Information Technologies

The present development, aspires to carry out considerations linking the following three concepts.Only in the extensive mark of the coexistence, the free personality; may occur The Internet is a communication tool, and create outlying systems to ride on an evolution history and nature become inexorable. If we accept that the Internet is an ingredient of the constellation of the knowledge and information technologies, we can affirm that: knowledge and information technologies (in forward TICs) are tools comunicacionales. Whereas the human evolution as evolutionary, we dare to assert that ICTs have been incorporated into the vital flow of humanity with nature of irreversibility. There is still the possibility to design outlines or methodologies that enable to take advantage of that technological incorporation, as at the time the printing press made them contributing also to amplify the human communication. Because in last instance is of tools so that human beings communicate freely, if they so wish it. And it is not the only tools, but one tool. And if, as above, assume the communication that is also in last instance coexistence, you can contribute to produce free personalities, then follows the importance of adopting creative attitudes to the dynamics at times overpowering the TICs. Said in other terms the Tics, they amplify the communication possibilities of those who so wish to do so.

Some opinions, based on surveys, warn about the Tics, and particularly the Internet, can consolidate attitudes of isolation or solitary confinement. Contraargumentar if a person is prone to isolation and solitary confinement, considered the Tics from that existential position could be. More if deemed to ICTs, as a tool that amplifies the communicational possibilities. We can consider that: people with avidity comunicacional communicate with more people, and that people who are maybe remisas to direct interpersonal communication face to face, through ICT, and particularly of the Internet, potentially more predisposed to this type of communication, with possibilities that come from reaching a face-to-face communication at a point, or consolidate the communicational mode through ICTs.