The Child

In a history, for example, the professor creates a propitious climate, stimulating the children so that they feel to its redor so that they can see the images and the text if thus desire. An author also displays that, when finishing reading, either of literary or informative direction, the professor puts the book that read at the hands of the same children so that the o turns pages and to confer what the attention called them more. ‘ ‘ it considers that they take for house this interesting book and others that them seem … (LERNER, 2002, P. 96). Thus, professor will continue acting as reading in elapsing of all the escolaridade, because it is reading material that it considers interesting, beautiful or useful that will be able to participate to the children the value of the reading.

In this context, Lerner (2002), affirms that, as much when showing as if makes to read when the professor if places in the reader paper, as when helping suggesting strategies efficient when the reading is shared, as when delegating individual or collective the reading to the children, the professor is teaching to read (Id. Ibid., 2002, p.97.). Emphasizing the importance of the reading in the infantile, necessary education if it makes to understand that ‘ ‘ to read is not to decipher palavras’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 1998, p.144). One searchs to understand that, before the development of the orality, the child seats to hear histories and to hear history, a text, already if it can consider as a reading form. Thus, Macedo (1999, p.122) explains that ‘ ‘ the reading acts precede the reading of palavras’ ‘. Ahead of these concepts, Meireles (2010, p.50) affirms that the children must have same contact with books before learning to read.