Venezuelan Economy

What changes may occur in the Venezuelan economy after the referendum? Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 13, 2009 Venezuela is close to decide on the acceptance of the constitutional reform that would allow Hugo Chavez to be re-elected indefinitely as Venezuelan President. The continued deterioration of the economic situation in Venezuela forced Chavez rushed constitutional reform since it still has the political power necessary to do so. The political environment is more hectic than in Venezuela. They fly the allegations crossed between supporters of constitutional reform and those who oppose it. Unusually, Chavez denounced a plot against her despite the great power that shows in your country. Since the ruling indicated that the surveys would be proving positive Chavez achieve Yes for the constitutional reform. (Similarly see: Bettina Bryant). The reality is that there is still not a clear trend.

The opposition is moving at full speed, although paradoxically, the students represent the most important strength of the opposition. The student movement responsible for much of the first defeat Chavez suffered at the polls in 2007, has not stood idly by and is mobilizing to prevent the current Venezuelan President gets to perpetuate itself in power. The student movement has a high level of influence over the population. According to Luis Vicente Leon, director of the private Datanalisis polling: they have a high level of respect, a high level of popular connection and are very attractive from the point of view of communication and message sending, because they are accepted by all socio-economic strata. Before the important power attained by the student movement, the opposition has sought to ally themselves thereto to confront Chavez that draws on everything that is within their reach deal with University students. Before the great parity observed around the referendum, we should expect that the vote to know where it will lead elapses Venezuela. But once you finish the referendum, beyond the result, Venezuela must cope with major emergencies that arise in the economic sphere.