Representative Government

Two are distinguished, pronounced for occasion of Geographic the posthumous homage that gave the Historical Institute to it and of Brazil of that he was partner: The orator Manuel de Arajo Porto Alegre considered it one of ' ' alive glories of the nation portuguesa' ' ' ' master of the diplomats of the world ' ' followed of, its friend Jose Antnio Lisbon, also it partner of the same Institute, affirmed: ' ' He is always with the most painful feeling and pungente pain that the Historical and Geographic Institute of the Brazil if sees private of one of its members, whose eminent lights and solids virtues made its ornament and concurred for its glory and esplendor. The men endowed with a superior gnio and transcendente, paying to the nature indispensable the tribute, always leave a vacuum, many times difficult to fill, and at that the humanity if resents for long time. He is therefore that the memory of our partner the very illustrious and respectable Wild council member Pine Blacksmith will be always saudosa, and that the Historical and Geographic Institute of the Brazil dedicates to it in the order of its works a page distincta, of that it so eminently became merecedor.' ' (1891: 169, 170, 195) () Bibliography BRTOLO, Diamantino Loureno Rodrigues of, (2002). ' ' Wild Pine Blacksmith: Paladino of the Human Rights in the Luso-Brasileiro&#039 Space; ' Dissertao de Mestrado, Braga: University of the Minho, Lisbon: National library, CDU: 1Ferreira, Sylvester Pine (043), 342,7 (043). (Published in articles, 2008, in ' ' Digital periodical ' ' Caminha2000? link Tribuna' '); (Exemplary in: University of the Minho, ISPGaya; Libraries Municipal of the Port and of Walk; Brazil? Campinas SP: UNICAMP, PUC, METROCAM, UNIP; PUC, Municipal theatre City hall of Campinas) BARTOLO, Diamantino Loureno Rodrigues of, (2009). Social philosophy and Politics, Specialization: Citizenship Human Luso-Brazilian, Rights and Interpersonal Relations, Thesis of Doutoramento, Bahia/Brazil: FATECTA? Theological and Cultural college of the Bahia: (1.

Course Supported for Decree 1051 of 21/10/1969. Units in Portugal in the Municipal Library of Walk; Brazil: Libraries of the Institute of Philosophy and Sciences Human beings of the UNICAMP – State University of Campinas; ILLUSTRATED PRACTICAL DICTIONARY, (1978) New Enciclopdico Dictionary Luso-Brazilian published under the direco of Jaime de Sguier, ' ' Pine Blacksmith (Wild), Edition Actualizada and Aumentada for Jose Lello and Edgar Lello, Port: Lello & Brother? Publishers BLACKSMITH, Sylvester Pine (1834b) Manual of the Citizen in a Representative Government. Vol I, Volume II, Introduction Antnio Paim (1998b) Brasilia: Federal Senate. LISBON, Jose Antnio, (Cons) (1891) ' ' Historical compliment of the Wild Council member Ferreira&#039 Pine; ' , in Reviewed of the Historical Institute Geogrphico of the Brazil. Volume 4, Rio De Janeiro /RJ: The National press, pp. 195-198 Venade? It walks? Portugal, 2010 Diamantino Loureno Rodrigues de Brtolo Master in Modern Philosophy and Contemporary University: Minho/Portugal; Unicamp/Brazil Doctor in Social Philosophy and Politics Theological and Cultural College of the Bahia – Brazil Professor