New Energy Management Solution

Via Z-Wave energy display by GreenWave reality electricity, water and gas consumption at a glance Copenhagen, March 24, 2011 the lack of transparency about the exact consumption data in the home is one of the main problems in energy saving. GreenWave reality offers a solution that provides complete information about the domestic electricity -, water – and gas consumption at a glance home and apartment owners with the energy display now. Easily in a wireless home network to integrate the solution, he has integrated smart the Z-Wave technology ( home specialist in the energy display. Here, Atmos Energy Corporation expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In combination with the GreenWave reality Gateway users can build their own environmentally friendly energy management network. GreenWave reality is a well known player in the home-energy – management market and new Member of the Z-Wave Alliance. The Alliance, an open consortium of well-known technology companies respected expert in the field of radio-based smart home solutions, including to the exact measurement of the energy consumption in the home is worldwide. The combination of both technologies offers consumers a clear monitoring and control platform for the domestic energy consumption.

The GreenWave reality display allows users via radio, the current, reading gas and water consumption based on detailed values. Transparency and control both in addition to this monitoring function the user has also the ability to control other Z-Wave compatible devices in the home control network actively. In addition, special energy profiles can be configured only to use electricity or heat energy, when they are really needed. In this way, the GreenWave reality solution combines smart-metering features with modern home automation. Homeowners get so both transparency and control over their energy consumption. In conjunction with the GreenWave reality gateway and the compatible PowerNodesTM (socket adapters or power strips) of the provider consumer can install a complete energy management network Z-Wave based. The energy display can separately by GreenWave reality-energy management platform be provided since it is also suitable for combining with Z-Wave compatible third-party solutions.

AWEK Integrated Checkout In The Balance

Prices for cash and balance throughout AWEK, supplier of POS systems, manage its software solution presents the fair EuroShop 2011 in Dusseldorf euroSCALE. EuroCASH cash register software based solution brings the full functionality of cash on the balance. The solution is by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) certified and so that Europe can be used. AWEK euroSCALE presented in Hall 6, stand E/41. The balance directly at the Office comes with euroSCALE. (Similarly see: Crumpton Group).

Integrated management, through cash, exact weighing, tare and account are possible directly at the deli counter. The solution provides all functionalities a fund such as pricing, exchange money and prices. For special customer service, recipes on the receipt can be printed directly at the box office. The embedded”version of the POS solution euroCASH is operated together with a vendor-specific scale module as a touch scale. With the intuitive touch screen, the assignment of the buttons is optional.

So you can Best sellers create and program on firm keys, to allow a faster operation. Scale system and fund recognize the different units such as weight and number of pieces. Thus, an incorrect number be avoided and ensures an accurate accounting. For more information see Atmos Energy Corporation. The POS system is suitable for through operating cash together. While a receipt on a scale can begin and continue to the next level. Also the tare is integrated. The scale display is set to the value at the weigh-in a container and the tare value will be deducted from the maximum load. The scale solution euroSCALE is suitable for use at the deli counter in the life with part retail, as well as in butcher shops and fish departments. Beyond bread and slices of bread can be also in bakeries weigh. At the hardware store, the weighing of screws and nails is possible. Through the integration of cash and balance, the correct price match is guaranteed at all times. The integration of cash and scale benefits for employees and customers, because the sales in many ways facilitates is. For example, it shows the system of promotions and promotional rates to customers can redeem the same local coupons and vouchers and benefit from the faster checkout process”, explains Andreas Berger, Board the AWEK AG. The combination of cash, scales and other media like customer displays is gaining in the future, to allow new dimensions in the customer service.

Gamer Laptops: Which Gaming Laptop Should I Buy?

Important tips and advice for all who play with their laptop want to play with the laptop – what should you look for? Which gaming laptop should I buy? You can hear this question often in online forums and many other computer-IT pages. Potential laptop buyers would like to know what gamer laptop now is right for her. Of course, the answer depends of many different factors, but certainly one of the most important is the price. While the laptop prices have dropped steadily in the last years, equipments well-equipped gaming laptops are still a goodly sum cost. Especially if you want to purchase a really sophisticated system with the latest components. If you look around online and on the lookout for real bargains, then you can get systems for less than 1,500 euros partly still cheaper when you’re ready to make concessions halfway decent gamer.

But regardless of the price you are willing to pay such a laptop must have a minimum, if you the latest games want to play sensibly and enjoy. Ideally, a gaming laptop should have a high end graphics card with directly allocated memory, a fast processor and plenty of memory. Many players pay attention also to a high resolution color display to harmonize ideally with the Blu-ray drive. If you would like to know more then you should visit Max Schireson. If money at all doesn’t matter, then high end devices can cost also loose 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 euro also. Therefore, there are enough people who claim that it is ridiculous to spend so much money on a laptop.

Reasons: They cost too much, overheat faster, are loud and what is worst, is an upgrade only hard feasible. One can certainly argue that the money is better invested in a desktop PC. One would have left in addition to even money to buy a laptop. Because most of the laptop buyers but do not have an infinite budget and correspondingly limited resources available if you buy a laptop, we leave this aspect is not taken into consideration. Prior to this Background special attention should be directed to the graphics card. You should try to get the best card that allows for your budget. Visit the relevant gaming forums to a recent feedback to the selection available graphics card to get. Ask whether the eligible card can reasonably represent the games you want to play. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Michael Steinhardt and gain more knowledge.. So, a reasonable graphics card that can properly represent your desired games, is the first target. Next, you should worry about a fast processor. Some newer Intel processors from the i3, i5, and i7 series seem to be very promising for gaming laptops. Finally, you should take also the memory more under the magnifying glass. Four gigabytes are minimum. Most players set still value then as I said on a high resolution display with Blu-ray drive. If your budget allows it, you should include these components in the selection. Some innovations in the gaming laptops are full 3D gaming laptops from ASUS. These devices have 120 Hz displays to create true 3 D effects. Even if it is sometimes difficult to make the right decision, you should be using these tips on the right way to your new gaming laptop.

Design Eicke

ViTecco puts your HDMI Distributor on the 3D technology, which, however, also fully supports the 2D-Technik. The ViTecco GmbH from Ronnenberg tells that she 8-exclusively is set HDMI distribution now in the field on the new version, which supports also the 3D technology. Managing Director Gunnar Eicke makes it clear that it makes no sense given the small extra price for dealers in the old technology to invest rather than to look to the future and to be prepared for both 2D and 3D. With the DVV, 1008-3D launches the ViTecco GmbH thus as one of the first providers in video electronics with a 3D-capable HDMI distributors, the of course fully backward compatible can be used is. Read more from Compuware to gain a more clear picture of the situation. For more information about the device there are at:… The devices are immediately (in large quantities) available, what one is not otherwise used by ViTecco however for over 40 years, so Gunnar Eicke. ViTecco (formerly Eicke & Bemmerer) continues to be the video electronics specialist for the dealer.

At ViTecco the dealer can consult always free, even the telephone conversation not goes to an expensive 0180er number, at ViTecco, close to customers is how eh ever totally uppercase..

Notebook Damage

ReplaceDirect published study about the most damage to the portable computer “TOP 10” hit list of notebook repairs an independent investigation, which has been made in the name of replacedirect, has pointed out, that a not functioning screen is the most common reason of repair laptops. On the next ranking King square, a non-working keyboard located by far, followed by the LCD inverter. The independent investigation brought to light, that 54% of authorized laptop repairs relate to the screen. They lead the “top 10” hit list of repairs on portable computers. Is falling down the screen is broken, often as well as other external parts, such as inter alia the hinges on the housing must be replaced.

The Top3 is complemented by damage to the Schreibtastatur (16%) and the LCD inverter (10%). The latter provides for the supply of light of the screen. Such additional damages are often due to an intensive use of the notebook. Here we show the full “TOP 10” hit list of notebook repairs LCD screens 54 percent internal keyboards 16 per cent LCD inverter 10 percent DC jacks 8 percent hard drives 6 percent housing 3 percent housing hinges 1 percent fans 1 percent motherboards 0.5 percent CD-DVD drives 0.5 percent also there is rarely a defect that is so severe that you should throw his mobile device best overboard. The most common damage can be solved simply by parts again. However, the repair of some parts, such as for example the mainboard is extremely kostpielig, so many consumers opt for purchasing a new notebook. In the study defective batteries and Chargers were not taken into account was because these external parts without repairs to the portable device can be exchanged.

Tip regular notebook investigations, ReplaceDirect, which recommends outstanding provider of repair work on portable computers in the Netherlands, similar to how inspections of a car. In this way can numerous errors are seen sooner and repairs, for example, you could replace a poorly preserved hard disk before the total data loss has arisen! Currently 22% of the commercially used notebooks have a repair 1 time per year needed. Learn more at this site: Ray Kurzweil. This ProzentanzahlAnzahlPercent number should be reduced according to ReplaceDirect through a regular maintenance dramatically. Shops can examine your notebook stocks by ReplaceDirect and bring it up to date, so those are always up-to-date. From the study is that, that the notebook above all the screen and more visible parts break down after a fall. Many accidents happen when children accidentally dropped the laptop off the table or the notebook on the road glides to the car from the hand. ReplaceDirect recommends deswwegen notebooks in a safe place outside the radius of the game of children so that nobody falls through the power supply. Also during transport should, respected on a well secured transport bag like e.g. a notebook bag, the against Secures the scratches and rain.

Mario Kotaska

“The silence test area is once again the fine acoustic perception reserved here you can experience amazement, how outrageous” quietly the modern Bosch appliances are now working. Further details can be found at Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, an internet resource. The quality test zone provides an insight into the philosophy of quality and assurance at Bosch and shows where are the typical Bosch substance from the performance, reliability and longevity. Also, visitors involve how already 2012 itself through a Farbvoting in the redesign of a genuine Bosch classic. In the lifestyle experience Center, and finally the small devices have their place: comfortable household helpers such as the coffee maker TASSIMO spread here pure lifestyle. “The most important novelties this year Bosch proudly presents a considerable amount of external visitors” proof of quality: with numerous test victories across Europe and many renowned design awards in its quality strategy, the company sees confirmed. Is this year’s product highlights Focus on the theme of silence: Bosch presents extremely quiet household appliances, bringing above all rest and relaxation in the households in addition to best results. An equally important issue is an extremely critical aspect of machine glass rinsing the glass protection for many consumers.

Here, Bosch presents innovative techniques, programs and accessories for brilliant shine and safe protection of precious glasses. But also on induction fields, hoods, refrigerators, laundry care and in the small household appliances many highlights awaiting the visitors. The expansion of the highly efficient Energiesparportfolios is also central. Bosch now has the largest range of super efficient home appliances in Europe. Quality on the line apply not only for the Bosch products themselves, but also for the Bosch customer service quality, perfection and reliability. So, the Munich-based household appliance manufacturer is full version of service app at the IFA myBosch”offer, whose prototype already 2012 on keen Interest came. The entire myBosch ‘offer includes fast, personal, and at any time-to-reach customer service, as well as a digital product Companion. Bosch keep faithful to provide people with concrete and meaningful benefits his claim in the digital future technologies and networking.

Even in terms of entertainment, the company not with half-measures are satisfied. So the architecturally sophisticated alternating colour backlit walls and a 170-metre long, the State media volume is equipped. Accompanied by catchy sounds, including multiple live cooking shows provide the famous TV chefs Ralph Zacherl, Mario Kotaska and Carsten Dorhs mood according to the motto consumer electronics for your taste buds”. Press pictures: 8515-01 journalist contact: Astrid Zaszlo + 49 (0) 89 4590 2011, the Bosch Group celebrated its 125th anniversary 2906 and over 75 years Bosch also in household appliances for development expertise, refer Quality and reliability. Already, company founder Robert Bosch, which would have been 150 years old in 2011, pleaded to the valid to date ideas, technology for life”to produce. This tradition, committed and motivated the company to this day: as a leading household appliance brand in Europe manufactures Bosch air conditioners, washing machines and dryers, dishwasher, herd and consumer products for households all over the world. For generations, these products make people’s everyday lives and help them to better quality of life. The quest not only reflected after substantial value and perfection in a mature functionality of devices and high-performance technology, but also in a consistently excellent product design.

International Robert Reiter

Topic submission for a lecture the following is a selection of potential MOST topics. To know more about this subject visit ConocoPhillips. Your own suggestions are welcome: 1 MOST physical layer 1.1 fiber optical transceiver (FOT) technology 1.2 optical fiber technology 1.3 Connector 2. MOST networking and system architecture 2.1 application framework 2.2 network management 2.3 interface controller 2.4 migration to MOST150 3. MOST software and protocols 3.1 operating system 3.2 software frameworks 4. Petra Diamonds helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. MOST compliance and quality aspects 4.1 testing and compliance 4.2 tools 5 MOST series projects experience 5.1 MOST ECU and application development 5.2 human machine interfaces 5.3 gateway Solutions 6 MOST and other standards 6.1 FIBEX 6.2 AUTOSAR 6.3 CEA 7 MOST research & miscellaneous 7.1 research 7.2 consumer meets automotive the abstract should include: 1. title of the Lecture 2.

author/en/in: name (s), title, company, address, telephone number, email 3. photo of / the author/s/en/in 4. Topic 5. The presentation time of either 15 or 25 minutes 6 Summary of the lecture: 200 to 300 words (English) 7 is information to previous publications on the same subject of deadline for the abstracts on June 19, 2009. You should be sent as Word, text or PDF file to. All speakers have free access to the Conference and exhibition. Dates application deadline: June 19, 2009 notification of speakers/authors: July 24, 2009 submission of definitive contributions: 15th December 2009 program Committee Stephan Esch, Audi AG Prof. Dr.

Andreas Grzemba, University of applied sciences Deggendorf Stephan Janouch, electronics automotive Jochen Klaus wagon burner, Harman/Becker Jack Pokrzywa, SAE International Robert Reiter, BMW Group Harald Schopp, SMSC Dieter Seidl, Daimler AG Christoph Stoppok, ZVEI Johann Wiesbock, ElektronikPraxis the program Committee shall decide on the adoption of a lecture on the Basis of the abstracts. It is therefore important to emphasize clearly the most important technical, economic, and practical aspects of the planned topic in the summary. In particular the spokesman should emphasize those aspects of work that are innovative and unique. The length of the lectures is following every 15 or 25 minutes with a 5 minute discussion. All posts must be written in English and carried forward. About the MOST forum that MOST’s Forum an International Conference and exhibition on Infotainment technologies with a MOST (media oriented systems transport). Organizer is the qaqadu event gmbh. MOST is the industry standard for multimedia and infotainment networks in the automotive industry. The technology was designed to allow an efficient and low-cost structure to transfer audio, video, data and control information between all connected devices. The MOST Cooperation supports the MOST Forum as technology partner. The MOST cooperation is the Organization through which the MOST standardized technology and developed further so that it takes into account the evolution of future needs in the industry. 2009 16 international carmakers and over 65 leading suppliers, which with the MOST technology and contribute to their innovation include the over 85 members of the cooperation.

United Freezer

About laptop batteries, there are various fairy tales. Just the WWW has shown as excellent breeding ground where allegations with facts are United and not be hooked up. Whether in the air flying batteries or tattered laptops spoken one might think laptop batteries are among the most dangerous objects on the Earth. That is thankfully not the case, the leading dealer for laptop batteries has make sure. ReplaceDirect clear on the ten most common notebook batteries stories! 1. set your notebook battery powered from a night in the freezer and it works again on the following day, this is a prototype of kurisierenden lies, in which partial truths and false imperceptibly merge.

Because it is actually better to store a battery as somewhere to suspend the heat cool. idanta has to say. If one therefore represents a notebook battery in the freezer and thaws again, to make it functional again, it is possible that he there but just a little bit longer makes. But after latest 7 days the charge in the original state of Affairs falls back. Of lithium batteries should be even exactly attentive, if one has put them in the freezer. Because can be when removing condensation develops, then possibly leading to an explosion! Would you still think nothing more despite your lithium battery in the freezer then you wrap it in a bag.

Maybe even the rumor comes up, you would have to put his whole laptop in the freezer! A verschlissenener ‘dead’ battery can no longer resuscitate itself. The most sensible solution is a brand new battery for his laptop to get, e.g. at ReplaceDirect. Also the fridge is not a good recommendation when it comes to the battery to get moving again. A cooling system is still not wrong to time delay the wear of the batteries. But a refrigerator is not suitable as a place of storage, because it is too wet.

Telephone Systems – Business Success

How telephone systems can contribute to the success of your company. Especially in the digital age, personal contact with customers again increasingly gaining importance. As more and more communication via email, the personal is however often too short. There’s no time for face-to-face meetings and often quite long distances must be bridged. Yet to establish personal contacts and to maintain business relationships, an importance to the phone. From the business environment, it is known that the greatest successes in the personal interview can be updated.

Since this often represents a not erfullbares criterion for the above reasons (lack of time, distances, etc.), you need an alternative: the phone is the communications solution that is closest to the personal call approaches and enables the conversation yet time – and location-independent. By phone the feeling can be made personally to communicate and Inquiries can be made immediately. The opportunity to communicate with the interlocutors also informally to (joke, private etc.), can be more relaxed conversational situations. So, a similarly good relationship between people can occur, which is conducive to the business. For companies, it is so central to be equipped to relations with customers and business partners can establish and maintain an appropriate PBX. Telephone systems, so communication solutions, which enable the management and the connection of different devices (telephones, fax machines, answering machine), can be seen therefore as a motor for the success of the business.

Corresponding systems support the use of more devices than there are telephone lines, enabling the simultaneous discussions of multiple devices from, the forwarding of calls (for example from a central point), free internal calls between all of the telephone system connected devices, and the targeted settlement of individual connections. The market is covered by different options, equipment and systems. A telephone systems can distinguish between analog and digital (ISDN). But also VoIP systems, which enable the telephony over the Internet, are becoming increasingly popular especially for reasons of cost. The einzlenen models then vary with regard to their functionality. If you plan to purchase a PBX system, it is accordingly, to inform again about the various possibilities on the Internet. The mediation service ( here offers a good starting place for one to find out about the different types of telephone systems and then free to send offers of up to four suppliers of telephone systems. Just because telephone systems occupy a large importance for the company’s success, it is for larger companies, a service contract with the Complete telephone systems provider, continuously to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment. However, considering what benefits have telephone systems for the company, the cost of profitable quickly.

Messe Frankfurt

The Communication between MAX! Portal and MAX! Cube LAN Gateway is it encrypted. Utilities: individual branding possible perspective of the end customer offer today’s portals of the utility industry customers mostly for very little benefit, to frequently visit to be. While legal costs can be used to optimize well, but the client binding effect is rather low. The new MAX! Solution takes into account these factors and provides Internet and Smartphone control of heating, generating frequent customer contacts. The individual components of the MAX! Series as well as energy-saving heating presented the current trends on the topic eQ – 3 simultaneously to the ISH Fair on 16 and 17 March 2011 in the eQ-3 VIP-lounge at the Marriott Hotel, Hamburger Allee 2, in Frankfurt/Main, directly opposite of Messe Frankfurt. 9 am to 5 pm, exclusively invited guests at the experts about the solutions can inform themselves. From 17: 00, happy hour with snacks and drinks for eQ-3 partners takes place on both days.

High resolution images can see requested are in brief: the ELV/eQ-3 group with over 1,000 employees counts for more than 30 years to the innovation and technology leader in home automation and consumer electronics in Europe. Since its inception in 1978, ELV has established itself as a landmark electronic mail-order company on the German market and more than 10,000 products offered online and catalogue with a circulation of over 500,000 copies. With more than 200 types of products, the eQ-3 as a manufacturer of home control and energy management system solutions has the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings. The brand HomeMatic”includes solutions from heating thermostats, lighting control and security technology through door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, gateways and home centers to software products of partners. Product development takes place exclusively in the headquarters in leer. In accordance with the quality standard ISO is produced in our own factory in southern China 9001:2000 as well as the international, Environmental management standard ISO 14001 certified. The production is subjected to in addition regular factory inspection audits for certification of UL, VDE, VdS and TuV Rheinland LGA. More information:. Press contact: Bernd Grohmann head marketing & business development Maiburger Street 29 eQ-3 AG D-26789 Leer + 49 (491) 6008-661 PR Agency: Olaf Heckmann Senior Vice President Sandoval & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau + 49 (2661) 91260 – 0