I am told that the professional level of the Valencian medicine is the best in the world, but health care still leaves much to be desired. This has been so, I point out, until the creation of the new Hospital of faith: Although the modern management model of Alzira Hospital already was a turning point, now, with new hospital facilities in Valencia, the community has a reference element that display above all the world. As the person who makes me these interesting thoughts, not enough to be good, but you have to seem so: it has tried to do in culture with the Palau dels Arts, but this has neither utility, nor sufficient for its colossal scale content. Faith would be something quite different, according to the scientific level of our doctors: there have, if not, surgical interventions of Dr. Pedro dug or the work of the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad, with Carlos Simon, for example. Same thing, oops, it happened in Barcelona makes 40 years with Antoni Puigvert neurologist or Joaquin Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre and that both contributed to the image of modernity of Catalonia.
That is, that there are grandiose but dispensable, and works up to ruinous, if the case, such as the aforementioned Palau dels Arts which has physically opposite the equivalent more modest and effective of the Palau de la Musica, and other necessary and perfectly useful, as the faith or the high-speed train, two examples of strict today. The phenomenon of the bird, as the unique faith hospital in Spain authorised to perform all types of transplants, is paradigmatic. And do not say it because it creates the report by PriceWaterhouse & Coopers, presented by Francisco Camps, that will create 32,500 jobs with a 3,800 million impact juntillas feet: these reports are made to suit the consumer PriceWaterhouse has in its history resounding failures, as its rating of Banesto of Mario Conde and not covered, as in this case, an economic overview adverse. However, the (((money invested, and very well spent, in faith and in the bird, offers three exemplary and rare features in our country: 1) creates value added in the economy, 2) provides this essential r & d for the development of the future and 3) going in the direction of that sustainable economy heralded by Rodriguez Zapatero, but then the President contradicts a day other also their aid to the automotive sector, subsidies to the mining industry and opposition to nuclear power that many analysts considered the least polluting of all. And I say this because, apart from encouraging trade between Valencia and Madrid, bringing tourists, increase productivity by the minor AVE travel time drastically reduced travel by car and prevent the annual emission of 842.000 tons of carbon dioxide into the air. They will recognize, therefore, that between spending on pharaonic works but more than debatable as the conglomerate of the Agora and the Palau and invest in other expensive but profitable, the election offers not the slightest doubt. Original author and source of the article.