The fair is a fragmented institution and articulated, fruit of the productive processes developed by the social agents who, when seapropriarem materially and symbolically of the spaces, evoke umamultiplicidade of territorialities and 15 sociabilities. For Mr. freqentador Deosdedite assduo of the fair deUmbaba. The mondays beyond being the place to buy the sustenance semanalde its family is also a moment to review the friends to talk. Aindaafirma that optimum of the fair is the end, where the same visits the bars with osamigos to take some drip, to eat the famous barbecue of the K-tispero family doSr.
Eduardo and to dance that one forrozinho of end of fair in the seresta of Renivaldada 16 Emplacadora. Mr. Milsinho, hmais freqentador mechanic of the fair of Umbaba of twenty years. According to it, in these twenty years considervelna had a growth fair of Umbaba, therefore it increased the number of feirantes sufficiently and it offers deprodutos improved the prices. It places that he makes the fair of two times: pelamanh purchase the meats and hortalias, in the part of the afternoon purchase the fruits queesto with 17 the lowest prices. Braudel says: that it is in the interior of the fairs and suasredondezas that are weaveeed a complexity of economic relations, social eculturais. The free markets, dominated for the informal and tertiary sector, present traditional rustic elements and technician of exposition and sales, compossibilidades of bargain, exchanges and bargains of 18 the nessascoletivas shown products. The dynamics of the oufeiras-free traditional squares of commerce, if does not constitute as an only space, but as espaofracionado in delimited territories. In the possible interactions between ospersonagens that compose the public spaces and the private spaces, nafeira-free, the micron-events (…) (or micron-dramas) are established (…), that is, small scenes or events that represent apropriaode space for these 19 social actors. In February of 2009 the fair of Umbaba passed for umprocesso of reorganization of space carried through for the Secretary of Agriculturado city, provides between them taken this: the remanejamento of barracascom the objective passes through to facilitate it of people in the fair; the withdrawal of carnebovina of the boards that were in the side of is of the market and the schedule estipuladopara the beginning and the ending of the fair.