
It does not cost to imagine which can be the reasons that they induce to them to these passive conducts: not to be they also aggression object, not to put in danger its envy, job or resentment towards its companion, etc. Characteristics of the victim and the pursuer With respect to the personality of the victim and the pursuer, a unique landlord of conduct does not exist that determines its behaviors. From bibliography reviewed until the moment, we can say that a series of personality characteristics exists that are present in the majority of the cases. With respect to the victims, most of the people who have been psychological object of harassment in their work usually have a high level of ethics, are honest, straight, independent, with initiative, of high professional qualification and popular between their companions. As far as the pursuer some of the personality qualities that present/display are: alteration of the sense of the moral norm, does not have culpability sense, is aggressive, coward, lying, compulsive and has great capacity of improvisation; he is quite mediocre professionally and usually it has inferiority complex. Atmos Energy wanted to know more.

We can say that the harassment psychological is always an abuse of office. The person carries out who it looks for to maintain her power and, by some reason, the victim is one to him threatens. A leadership badly exerted can turn any labor situation into risk source, reason why all in some moment we can be affected, directly or indirectly, by the harassment psychological in the work. Forms of expression Most difficult of the harassment psychological in the work it is to detect when it begins and why. Generally, the victim begins to perceive sly or open aggressions, but account of the total situation does not occur that lives and often culprit feels. This makes difficult the capacity to react of the person, reason why the perception of the problem agrees already with a serious deterioration of its health.

Emily Dickinson

Appreciated friend: Perhaps to publish a book is for some most important that it happens to them in the life, although for the rest of the world is not more than a banal event. The books, and plus those of poetry, usually pass through the bookstores without pain nor glory, and that not to mention their little reviews. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Compuware. Inventory of city had only one that cheered very many because it appeared to me in a national newspaper, although in the end did not serve neither to make me the more well-known nor so that the book was sold better. We publish our first one, second and third book and continued being as always almost so anonymous and the writers majors continue to us watching with the same reserves. Great poets, and I talk about to people who in truth changed Literature, like Fernando Pessoa and Emily Dickinson, as soon as if published while still alive and, nevertheless, what would be of universal Literature without them.

Emily Dickinson we know, it by its letters, got angry with its sister-in-law to publish without its consent a pair of poems his in a local newspaper. Click Crumpton Group for additional related pages. To see its name in letters of mold did not delude to Emily. You will say that poets to me as Pessoa and Dickinson are exceptional. I grant all the reason to you. For the other mortals the subject is another one. To publish is good because it imposes a necessary distance between which we do and what we are able to do. When I see a poem published mine in blog, in an anthology or a book, I do not watch it like the same indulgence that I watch my children. I read it as if it had written my worse enemy and treatment of being hard in my judgment, having censured it, deceiving to me and if it is necessary apostatizing of him.

Meeting Castile

These 12 municipalities count with more than 20,000 inhabitants, particularitity that according to one of the stipulations of the new Law of the Noise of Castile and Leon 5/2009, of 4 of June, do obligatory that they count on a map of noise in 2012, that provides a greater knowledge of the polluting emissions and its effects on the citizens, having like primary target the reduction of the impact of the noise on the inhabitants of the mentioned localities. This new Law, that entered both months of its publication in force, tries to give an suitable answer to the problems which they could arise in the precise operation of the emitting facilities of noise, besides distributing the competitions of the evaluation and control of the noise that establishes the state norm. The maps of noise of these twelve municipalities will be developed by means of suitable processes of measurement and " modelizacin" that to permitandeterminar and to resist the number of people affected by the urban noise in each one of the populations, whereas the base on which the noise maps will be realised is the digital cartography of which it has the Meeting Castile and Leon to scale 1:10.000 or if so 1:5.000. Once the noise maps are given to the Council of Environment, a series of proposals will be elaborated that will constitute the future Plans of Action Against the Urban Atmospheric noise, whose initial structure and contents will be pointed by the U.T.E formed by Audiotec and CTA according to the specified thing in the Law of the Noise. In this sense, these two companies, like experts in the norm, come realising an extensive work from diffusion and practical explanation of the mentioned Law in the Community between those professional groups (architects, constructors, promoters, etc.) whose activity directly is related to the noise and its environmental implication. .

Secretary General Industralists

She is one of the requests that towards an industralist and which the model of the Platform defended Connections, that I help as much it in its beginnings. And he is that he considered himself fundamental, the constitution of a real and effective network that harnesses and foments the use of the technological tools like means of generation of alliances between women industralists, impelling its total participation in the virtual community like resource to compete in the markets. the age, like symbol of experience of the enterprising ones not always well is valued. He was another one of the testimonies of an industralist who demanded measures that favor the generation of alliances between autnomos/as.As she indicated Bethlehem Ferrer, director of Foundation MOA is the moment of which new models like outsourcing among others, begin to value themselves professionally as much by companies as by the people enterprising. To undertake is risk and opportunity The President of the Platform Connections, transfer the necessity to fortify the support and effective advising to the people who want to create their own business, in the conviction of which to undertake becomes exposition in which Iaqui agreed Grouse, manager of Madrid Undertakes, that in addition showed the dynamism of the City of Madrid like tolerant territory, innovating and with opportunities. Julia Garci’a-Glass, also I raise the necessity that civil society Administration, educative system and enterprise organizations as the Platform rows in the same direction .

Another one of the assistants, Sebastin Reyna, Secretary General of UPTA, indicated is crisis of knowledge no potentiality but, of data of allegiances to Social Security, yes detect certain crisis of emprendimiento, and it although there are many opportunities to discover, aspect in which Ana Santiago, Assistant director of entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Antonio Gigirey, director of Salvia Communication, agreed, indicating on the other hand the necessity of continuous formation in this matter and generation of novel tools for the company already set up as for example data bases of the premises of rentable businesses. Who is PLATFORM CONNECTIONS Result of the initiative of a group of women is an Enterprise Federation tie industralists and professionals a different organizations and associations of women who have united their experience and knowledge to do in emprendimiento, self-employment, creation and consolidation of companies. With more than 3,000 associates, its creation responds to objective to foment the generation of enterprising initiatives, the fortification of networks that proportions opportunities and formation to the women independent, industralists and enterprising. A form different to understand the world of the company and where the values and the conciliation, constitute an essential element.


The following thing has taken place in organizations very different after to have introduced incentives to compensate to " good workers " In an agro-industrial company of the Peruvian North, they discovered insects in his packages of asparagus. Then design a program of premiums to compensate the worker who retires the insects of vegetables. The company abandonment the plan of incentives when it discovered that the employees were bringing house insects, putting them in the asparagus and later retiring them in order to secure the premium. In a software company they had problems with diverse errors of programming. It was decided then, to apply a plan of incentives to compensate the programmers who identified and suppressed the errors. At the beginning everything marched well, but.

The numbers of yield were hiding the problem. The employees were creating the errors that the plan paid to suppress to them. In some educative centers, the repayment of the educational ones is related to the qualifications obtained by the students in standardized examinations. professors in fact spend but time helping to the students to make the examinations well that teaching to them to include/understand the courses. Very little ethical, no? When he is desired to apply a system of incentives (prime), it is necessary to identify the problem well that is desired to solve. Like everything in the life: Each tool has its value according to the type of situation in which it is used. In summary: At the most the repayment is related to concrete indicators of the yield, but they tend the employees to concentrate in those indicators and but they forget other important elements of the work that are but difficult to measure. Original author and source of the article.

Soft Psychologist

Escuchar and share experiences with people in similar situations provides emotional lightening to them. the knowledge fact that their opinions and knowledge are listened to and valued can increase its self-esteem. ADVICE FOR the CARETAKER To inquire very well on the cares that the person to whom she is going to take care of, for it needs can consult with his doctor. Descanse every day the sufficient thing. Evite to automedicar itself. Vaya to its doctor whenever it is bad, does not leave it for more ahead and it does not put excuses not to go. It realises the pursuits that are necessary if it suffers some disease (hypertension, diabetes, hipercolesterolemia, etc.). Procure to maintain its friendships and to go to social meetings and activities that allow him to continue extending their social networks.

Siga realising some of the activities and hobbies that always it has liked (to go to the cinema, to walk, to make exercise, to go to the swimming pool, to make point, to do crucigramas, ). does not feel like culprit to ***reflx mng itself or to pass it well, if you are happy will be easier to him to bear the situation. Cuide its physical aspect, this will improve its psychological well-being. Has to have a time to the week for same you, so that it must look for aid of a relative, a friend, or an assistant who takes care of of the patient during that time that belongs to him. Also it is important to be of vacations to the year, after which it will see the things of different form.


Also includes the transport and, in case it is necessary, the diets of personal saying. Of the main ones protagonists in the corporative video are the doblador speaker/.This game in a budget of company video contemplates the work of locution, the cession of the rights of use of the recorded voice and the time of professional recording studio. Besides the speaker, like element of indispensable sound in any production of video, one is included or several musical syntonies basic. This game contemplates the cost of this syntony, whether is an original musical composition for the client, as if it is an acquired syntony in a bookstore, with its acquired rights of use. The post-production process, whose description you can see in one of our articles already published ” The process of post-production of vdeo” , he is of that suppose a greater calculation of hours of dedication in the process of creation of an audio-visual one, and for that reason she will be one of the most outstanding games of the budget.

This game includes the working hours of the video editor, of the one of audio and the multimedia (design graph, responsibility of DVD, altered photographic, etc.). Finally, the adaptation of the resulting video to the format of delivery selected also tene its presence in all budget.Copied, stamping and gives, include in addition, the recording of the masters in DVD, the design and stamping of the title page of the disc and the box, as well as the shipment, of all the copies, to the destiny chosen by the client. You remember that the specialistic producer in corporative video Audio-visual Factory we are to your disposition to realise the budget of the corporative video for your company, as well as explicaros the detailed meaning of each of its games..

Engineer Technical Architects

The next Wednesday 6 of October the Spanish Association for Calidad Acstica (AECOR), through its Manager Cold Juan, will offer a communication within the frame of the Masters of Acoustics of the Construction and the Environment of the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) that will dedicate special interest to the Basic Document of Protection Against the Noise in Edificacin (DB-HR), although also they will be reviewed thematic like the constructive solutions, documents recognized in the norm, the catalogue of constructive elements, the use of the calculation software or the determine the proportions design and. The schedule of the communication will be of the 17:20 to the 20:30 hours. The main target of this program Masters is to prepare professional specialized in the scope of Acoustic Engineering that is developed professionally in the same. With this approach, the formation program pays a special interest to the professional fields with more social and professional demand in the scope of Acoustic engineering, where AECOR and their associates are, without a doubt, a referring one. A necessary specialization The University Masters in Acoustic Engineering of the Construction and Environment (IAEMA) is organized in 60 ECTS distributed in two semesters. The access to the program of the Masters allows to the Lawyers or Engineers/Architects and Graduated or Engineer Technical Architects, ask for who it. The profile of suitable entrance of the present titleholders to the program will be the one of Engineer of Telecommunication, Industrial Engineer, Architect, Technical Engineer of Telecommunication (specialty of Sound and Image), Industrial Technical Engineer and Tcnico.Estos Architect studies has been designed according to the R.D. 1393/2007, being first of the Polytechnical University of Madrid in being approved by the Council of University Coordination. The program is designed in accordance with the Declaration of Bologna and the European Space of Educacin Superior (EEES), being moderate the load of work of the student in credits ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

Engineer Technical Architects

The next Wednesday 6 of October the Spanish Association for Calidad Acstica (AECOR), through its Manager Cold Juan, will offer a communication within the frame of the Masters of Acoustics of the Construction and the Environment of the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) that will dedicate special interest to the Basic Document of Protection Against the Noise in Edificacin (DB-HR), although also they will be reviewed thematic like the constructive solutions, documents recognized in the norm, the catalogue of constructive elements, the use of the calculation software or the determine the proportions design and. The schedule of the communication will be of the 17:20 to the 20:30 hours. The main target of this program Masters is to prepare professional specialized in the scope of Acoustic Engineering that is developed professionally in the same. With this approach, the formation program pays a special interest to the professional fields with more social and professional demand in the scope of Acoustic engineering, where AECOR and their associates are, without a doubt, a referring one. A necessary specialization The University Masters in Acoustic Engineering of the Construction and Environment (IAEMA) is organized in 60 ECTS distributed in two semesters. The access to the program of the Masters allows to the Lawyers or Engineers/Architects and Graduated or Engineer Technical Architects, ask for who it. The profile of suitable entrance of the present titleholders to the program will be the one of Engineer of Telecommunication, Industrial Engineer, Architect, Technical Engineer of Telecommunication (specialty of Sound and Image), Industrial Technical Engineer and Tcnico.Estos Architect studies has been designed according to the R.D. 1393/2007, being first of the Polytechnical University of Madrid in being approved by the Council of University Coordination. The program is designed in accordance with the Declaration of Bologna and the European Space of Educacin Superior (EEES), being moderate the load of work of the student in credits ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

The Euro In Free Fall

The end is not known in that the recent history of the free fall of the EURO will finish. The European economies are taking measured hard to control the fall of the Euro and, therefore, the impossibility of the European Union and its own economies. From the real estate crisis of 2007, in the United States, that afecto the world-wide economy, the European countries has gone of tumble in tumble and they have not been able to stop the situation, in spite of the initial optismismo. Now the Greek crisis, later the Portuguese and, finally, the Italian that is the most vulnerable economies of the European continent. As well, we know that this crisis is going to attract, consequently, changes of articles of incorporation important in the technological field to adapt to the new situations that will result to the benefit of all we. As it said Franklin Youngest child, or is learned by science or experience.

In the view of which one treats is to handle and to understand the complex of the situation that includes from the ethical behavior in himself of the people and of the companies, like of the great changes that are happening in all the fields that abren an endless number of possibilities of entering itself in our modern society and, diria I, by the great door. It is a learning. For that reason, for those ominous ones of the time end, rather I give the reason him to which they say that this happening a great human and historical transformation to a better, cleaner world and with more opportunities and than is, these moments, that we are being witnesses and part. But so that happens, what childbirth, first we must happen through the suffering that means the change and to let old practice to initiate us in they approach which us a more amiable world.