Babylonian Mummy

Several rooms around the central room where the sarcophagus stood the young king, who died when he was only 18 years old. Numerous trunks with clothes, jewelry, shoes, vessels filled pantries. At the entrance stood a statue of the pharaoh guarding the door that led into the central room. Eliot Horowitzs opinions are not widely known. When the door was opened, scientists saw the solid gold a wall decorated with turquoise tiles. It was a huge box – sarcophagus occupies almost the entire room. On one side of the box doors were sealed with the seal of the name of and closed by a bronze bolt. Three thousand years have passed since the stamp was imposed pharaoh these doors. When the first case was withdrawn, under it was a second, equally ornate.

The space between the first and second sarcophagi were filled things. Here were two magnificent golden vane of ostrich feathers, wonderful alabaster vessels and many other valuable things. The third coffin was made of precious carved and gilded oak. When removed, and it is beneath him was the sarcophagus of pink granite of great beauty. After removing the cover, the scientists saw gilded bed, which was a sarcophagus in the shape of a mummy diapered.

He was covered with sheets of gold and glittering jewels. The last case in which lay the mummy of , wrapped in a linen shroud in 1916, was made of pure gold. On the face of the mummy was a gold mask, a portrait of the young pharaoh. On the mummy found a huge amount of gold jewelry – necklaces and bracelets. On the feet were wearing gold sandals shod, fingers and toes are enclosed in gold cases. Treasures found in the tomb of the young king, had no price. But this was not the richest Funeral Egyptian rulers. What are the untold riches should encompass the burial of other, more powerful rulers of Egypt! It is no coincidence Babylonian king wrote to the Egyptian Pharaoh: 'My brother, gold in your country as much as the sand '. Not for nothing that the inscriptions found in pyramids, compared with the deceased pharaoh by the sun god Ra, the supreme deity of the Egyptians. Who knows what other secrets hidden pyramid?

The Turbine

First, slipped his grease-colored tubes, then sealed with low-melting solder. Running once past this point, I noticed that there was no on oil line is not set, this inscription is not visible. I realized that being prepared is a serious diversion, more important than that to which I was involved. In one of the night shift at the beginning of March 1942 the Germans staged a trial run Krupp and reduced turbine generator power of 1000 kW. After repairing the turbine, according to the instructions, it was necessary to listen at full speed, without covering the turbine casing with thermal insulation.

Heated with saturated steam cylinder of the turbine has a temperature above 300oC. A German guard only then did that leave an observation platform and was hiding in the principal's office to escape the scorching heat in the engine room. In the night of those days were on duty mechanic Privalov turbines, electrical N. , electrician N. Yarotsky, shift engineer heating engineer Ermak (in the boiler room).

Choosing the moment when the guard was away, Privalov sharply raised pressure oil pump, perhaps something pierced with a sharp place the inscription, soldered fusible solder, or it is itself soldered to the heat. With space on the oil line, which was the inscription, raising the jet oil, which began to pour corps bare hot cylinder, floor, wooden stairs, walls, painted with oil paint. Oil, hitting on a hot cylinder of the turbine, suddenly ignited. The fire covered the entire space machine room.


The fair is a fragmented institution and articulated, fruit of the productive processes developed by the social agents who, when seapropriarem materially and symbolically of the spaces, evoke umamultiplicidade of territorialities and 15 sociabilities. For Mr. freqentador Deosdedite assduo of the fair deUmbaba. The mondays beyond being the place to buy the sustenance semanalde its family is also a moment to review the friends to talk. Aindaafirma that optimum of the fair is the end, where the same visits the bars with osamigos to take some drip, to eat the famous barbecue of the K-tispero family doSr.

Eduardo and to dance that one forrozinho of end of fair in the seresta of Renivaldada 16 Emplacadora. Mr. Milsinho, hmais freqentador mechanic of the fair of Umbaba of twenty years. According to it, in these twenty years considervelna had a growth fair of Umbaba, therefore it increased the number of feirantes sufficiently and it offers deprodutos improved the prices. It places that he makes the fair of two times: pelamanh purchase the meats and hortalias, in the part of the afternoon purchase the fruits queesto with 17 the lowest prices. Braudel says: that it is in the interior of the fairs and suasredondezas that are weaveeed a complexity of economic relations, social eculturais. The free markets, dominated for the informal and tertiary sector, present traditional rustic elements and technician of exposition and sales, compossibilidades of bargain, exchanges and bargains of 18 the nessascoletivas shown products. The dynamics of the oufeiras-free traditional squares of commerce, if does not constitute as an only space, but as espaofracionado in delimited territories. In the possible interactions between ospersonagens that compose the public spaces and the private spaces, nafeira-free, the micron-events (…) (or micron-dramas) are established (…), that is, small scenes or events that represent apropriaode space for these 19 social actors. In February of 2009 the fair of Umbaba passed for umprocesso of reorganization of space carried through for the Secretary of Agriculturado city, provides between them taken this: the remanejamento of barracascom the objective passes through to facilitate it of people in the fair; the withdrawal of carnebovina of the boards that were in the side of is of the market and the schedule estipuladopara the beginning and the ending of the fair.

Cardon Resignation

3a. Call of the Assembly of 25 of August of 1929: Adiscusso of the telegram if perpetuated. The act registers that the letter had sidoendereado to the Been periodical of So Paulo, firming document of support of the CentroOperrio and of Thick Tip to the candidate the President of the Republic Jlio Prestes- the letter had been signed together with the Mayor. Soon he consists quepossivelmente, the incentive to enlistment, on the part of Cardon, he was not casoisolado. In reply, Jose Deslandes de Souza said that not exerceutal act with ' ' intention to harm the Center that with the aid of outroselementos of value in the seio of the classroom worker, it had established, if made and concordoucom telegramma of (…) solidarity of the government of the State and cidaderepresentada in the person of illustre Dr. the Mello&#039 Fields; ' (COCB Ata11).

Adejamiro Cardon asks for the word at this moment, to dizendoentender such gesture as a gratefulness form, if relating the JulioPrestes as ' ' great trabalhador' ' of other societies operrias21para later ' ' to arrive the conquests then in politics nacional' '. Cardon still said to have ' ' hopes to see the men of the work if unindoao side of that they govern in them elaborating the laws that in regem' ' (op. Cit.). The controversial document was dealt with by Jose Deslandes de Souzacomo reason to its resignation the presidency the Laboring Center. It assembliadeliberou it against the resignation of Souza. ' ' Using this of the word, said entoque exactly thus if it considered dismissed and it asked for license to since it was not of the interest of the members dasociedade that this left the presidency. These two acts show that aomisso of the such ‘ ‘ assumptos politicos’ ‘ she was justified to leave deargumentos that they were corresponded with ‘ ‘ good nome’ ‘ of the associaooperria.

Resell Products

Resale products always generate a concern: why the author concedes rights of sale to a third party? The answer is that most authors seeks to create an effect of viral marketing towards other his products of greatest importance, recalls that in all products this published the name of the author and links to their pages. It is a formula to win = win, the reseller gets a product ready to be sold total profit and the author gets more visits to their other products and traffic to their websites. It is a business where everyone wins because the marketing is beneficial to both parties. However there are various types of resale rights, it is important to know this: basic resale right: where you are selling the product that you purchased, you win 100% of the sale, but the customer who purchases you can not resell it. Master resale rights: you sell the product leaving you with 100% of profits, and buy it you also can resell it also gaining 100%. With private label resell rights: lets you do what you want the product, modify it put your name, your links, your signature, in the end what you want him to do. Free transfer rights: you can offer these products for free on your website or wherever you want. Now if you have a job, it is likely to come with the fair end of the month, and is clear that additional revenues all would the months do not come you so bad, the problem is that the majority of jobs are of long hours, so it is not easy to find an activity that will generate additional money without neglecting his current work.

Fortunately for you, there is the internet, where you can generate income every month. One of the ways easiest to generate income on the internet is through resale products, once you purchase the rights to a particular product, whether this an book or a software, you can start to market it online immediately and stay with 100% of the profits, you won’t have more additional costs and work is complete does not need to rewrite the book or reschedule the software, the work is completely made, even in the majority of resale products include sales pages and be digital products do not have to worry about having stock, or shipping and handling. It is a business that operates completely on autopilot. As you can see this is an easy and profitable business because remember, 100% of the profit is yours, and do not need any special knowledge to do it, with all the advantages offered by the resale of products you save much time, money and frustration..