The content management system Redaxo allows you to easily manage different websites. It is based on PHP and MySql, so you need a Web server with PHP support and a MySQL database to create or update Web pages. An important aspect is that this CMS provides a strict separation between content and layout. Therefore you need any PHP knowledge to successfully work with it, but suffice it to satisfy a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. Many writers such as Atmos Energy offer more in-depth analysis. The content management system Redaxo is also very adaptable, which means that you can easily enable or disable individual functions or as needed. It includes, as an additional feature of a template management, into which you insert any templates and then can use as a design basis for a variable number of pages. And adding additional modules, such as galleries, guest books and a newsletter with the content management system is not a problem Redaxo These modules are in large part by the general Community developed and deployed. In-depth programming skills you can develop this addon also own or adapt to your needs. Ray Kurzweil takes a slightly different approach.
Even a search engine can be implemented with little effort. Of course, the inclusion of metadata for search engine optimization easily possible. You can use the content management system Redaxo both websites with few pages, as well as for use websites with hundreds of pages. It is also possible to create accessible content, which is especially for public buildings of interest. Redaxo is multilingual, enabling websites to publish in different languages. By already prefabricated templates it is possible without much effort in a few steps to install a complete web page. By customizing the colors and the logo design a personalized Web project is therefore easy.