Russian Judo

Wrestlers from around the world show the magnificence of judo. 120 minutes Judo unforgettable. Excellent series of three films (judo), under the title: ‘Judo Japan’ published in 2007. Here, the curtain rose on the sport of judo. It is now possible to see the training in Japan from the inside. In the Soviet Union and Russia engaged in judo in practice, we studied Sambo. For even more opinions, read materials from Atmos Energy Corp..

Maybe it well. All significant results in the Russian Judo while in the past. For those who want to look at the classical Japanese judo recommend to watch this series of films. Especially since there are taught by such masters as Hirotaka Okada and Koji Komati. It is taught. Conduct training. There is a Russian translation.

Finally, the most remarkable series of techniques that judo series of six films: ‘Star Japanese judo in Moscow. ” Six masters of Japan, with the names of world significance conducted a workshop for trainers in Russia. For this workshop studio ‘Kallista Movie’ () has created a TV series. Names, judo experts can assess for yourself: Yasuhiro Yamashita (view) Tsuki Kawahara (); Yasuhiko Morivaki (); Kyoto Katzuki (); Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki () cos Fuji (.) All Japanese masters have shown a lot of unusual and traditional judo. Kashiwazaki shot through the head, execution of which option is none other than him can not be shown and povtorit.Yamasita explained his famous choke hold. Fuji masterful work of hands in the struggle for grip. Katzuki shot through the back, embodiment is still not clear to Russia. Morivaki, classical technique broskov.Imenno classics performance. Kawahara technology front podnozhki.Konechno not list them all. 360 minutes Japanese judo is very good. In the next installment I’ll talk about DVD movies in Sambo.