The period of processing is around thirty the sixty days since that executed correctly, it does not attract erosive flies, cockroachs and nor. It’s believed that Michael Steinhardt sees a great future in this idea. All the methods of treatment of the garbage cause some ambient damage. Others who may share this opinion include The Furutist. Ahead of the perspectives of exhaustion of the aterros and the difficulties associates to the incineration, the measures of control of the urban residues point that the next step is to answer the following question: What to make with the garbage? Ahead of the perspectives of exhaustion of the aterros and the difficulties associates to the incineration, the measures of control of the urban residues point with respect to three strategies: to reduce, to reuse and to recycle. 2,6 Reduction of the Garbage We can reduce the amount of garbage consuming better little and, buying only the necessary one and preventing wastefulnesses. Making this we are contributing for a good development and documents in the screen of the computer, before appealing to the copies printed, in front getting photocopies and verse, and some other ways that we can prevent the wastefulness of materials. healthful of the nature preventing knocked down of trees for production of papers. 2,7 Reutilizao of the Garbage To reuse the garbage is a practical form of economy of the natural resources, therefore we can use the plastic sachets of supermarket as garbage sachets in house, to use the leaf verse among others printed as bloquinhos of notations, with this we are guaranteeing the economy of the natural resources and the welfare of the population. The separation of the garbage is important for the reutilizao of the same, therefore the organic garbage after its decomposition can serve as seasoning, already the dry garbage can be transformed into utensils that can be used of practical form an example is the manufactured toys of vases PET. It would be important that all obeyed the implantation of compartment for the separation of the garbage as, for example, a container only for the paper another one for the glass and so on.
Tag: environment
Knowledge Ecological
As Theoretical Referencial, we will use the following workmanships: BRAZIL. MINISTRY OF THE EDUCATION. Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 2002. Vol 3: Knowledge of World; OAK, Isabel Cristina de Moura. Ambient education: the formation of the ecological citizen.
So Paulo: Cortez, 2008. 4 Edition. Docncia in Formation. Problematic Transversal lines. 256p, for believing that the formation of the ecological citizen and the respect to the environment must be cultivated since infancy. This project will have duration of two months? of September the November, being retaken with the pupils whenever necessary. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To make possible a critical and including reflection on the causes and consequences of the ambient degradation of the quarter breaking itself of the reading of the local landscape. To evidence the main ambient implications in the Land division Green, pertaining Dream to the Quarter of Cajupiranga (Parnamirim? RN) caused mainly for the disordered urban growth in the local related one, with sights to excite a reflection around this problematic one and to consider measured effective that contribute for the conservation and preservation of the related locality.
SPECIFIC: To carry through the bibliographical survey on the subject to be searched; To carry through a lesson of field in the Land division Green Dream with the pupils of the Infantile Education of 03 and 04 years with the objective to identify and to evidence the main problems and ambient implications; To search regarding the municipal, state and national legislation ambient identifying the punitive measures for determined ambient crimes; PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS Wheels of colloquy for survey of previous knowledge, lesson of field for the quarter, questionnaires to the parents on aspects of the quarter, drawings produced for the pupils, ecological walk for the school, collective confection of posters and mural with the photos of the carried through activities, exposition in the patio of the school, confection of a Cartilha de Ambient Educao. DIDACTIC RESOURCES digital photographic Machine, computer, printer, official paper, wax bristol boards, chalk, pencil of color, activities printed, mural picture, escaneados photographs and drawings, glue, shears, adhesive ribbon, amongst others. RESULTS Distribution of the Cartilha de Ambient Educao to the families of the pupils and the local community, with sights to the acquisition of positive attitudes ahead of the local environment, the change of attitudes and the formation of the ecological citizen. BRAZIL REFERENCES. MINISTRY OF THE EDUCATION. Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 2002. Vol 3: Knowledge of World. OAK, Isabel Cristina de Moura. Ambient education: the formation of the ecological citizen. So Paulo: Cortez, 2008. 4 Edition. Docncia in Formation. Problematic Transversal lines. 256p.
The Elements
It is for this great influence and flexibility of the world-wide climate, that if becomes important its study, as well as the different climates of the world, its elements and its changes. In this work we will present these elements, information that will be able to help day-by-day in the agreement of this element of the so present nature in ours. The elements of the climate are: Climate: it is a generalization or the integration of the conditions of the time for a certain period, in one determined area. It is a synthesis of the types of time that normally occur in data place, during a long period. Time: he is something that varies very on the surface of the Land. the total addition of the atmospheric conditions of local data, in one determined chronological time. The repetition for a long period of one determined type of atmospheric time, determines the climate of certain place. For determination of the climate of a region they are necessary that the climatic factors and elements are known: Factors of the climate: they are the relives, types of ground, latitude, altitude.
These factors influence the climatic elements and modify the climate of a place. Climatic elements: temperature, humidity, rain, wind, cloudiness, pressure atmospheric and solar radiation. They are meteorological largenesses that vary in the time and the space and communicate to the atmospheric way. The displacement of the air masses, formed in the dynamics of the atmospheric circulation, is responsible for the simultaneous occurrence (that is, at the same time) of diverse types of atmospheric time in the planet. The air masses are not static elements, the resultant types of time of its performance also are not static, that is, they are not stopped in relation ones to the others, however, the repetition of determined types of atmospheric time allows the identification of great climatic types of the planet.
Man Products
With this sped up growth of the production industries, the accumulation of lixes comes increasing, causing impacts to the environment, which had to the potential and the time of detention of the same ones for the nature. Being thus this research it has as objective to look possible causes of these problems, to argue and to analyze the disposal of the discarding of humid and solid residues generated by the population and to clarify doubts how much its contribution for the protection of the environment. The 2 RESIDUES OF MODERN SOCIETY 2,1 Man, Great Polluting agent. Pollution is an undesirable modification of the environment, in general provoked for the human being for the introduction of chemical products (the pollutants) that they can cause damages, directly or indirectly, to the proper humanity. (LINHARES, 2005, p.540).
The pollution is it of the water, of air, of the ground or the food the addition of materials in amount is considered as that cause an undesirable alteration and that the survival or the activities of the man and the too much existing organisms in the planet can threaten. When the human being does not obtain to explore of form adjusted the resources that the nature offers, the environment goes suffering with the rubbish from these products, thus causing the call pollution. One of the biggest aggressions to the environment is the produced solid residues in urban areas, popularly garbage calls. Industrialization was the main factor for the exaggerated contribution of residues, therefore the man felt the necessity to produce new packings despertando new before inexistent necessities of consumption. Good part of the world lives today in a consumption society, where almost everything lasts little and is dismissable. The production of as many varieties of devices, foods, packings, automobiles, and among others is made to the cost of the consuming of the natural resources. Moreover, industrial products exist that if they decompose very slowly.