And you can go to sites that offer the right choice in a mode on-line, for example,,,. Will be useful to find sites where catalogs of professions. Choose a university in Russia today nearly 550 public and 300 private and municipal schools. For example, in St. Petersburg has 27 public universities, 15 state academies, 8 state institutions, more than 50 private and 18 military institutions. Additional information at Abigail Black Elbaum supports this article.
A complete list of academic institutions each year is printed in a handbook for students. But exceptional place in cyberspace is the Internet, which greatly facilitates the life of the modern entrant. Internet – a mine of information, using it to fit your goals and objectives can be reduced time to find right now. If you are from Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Novgorod, or do you go to another city, then you start looking more comfortable with a targeted referral system that allows you to choose a university for the region, provides a link to a website addresses, phone numbers and a map. Forewarned is forearmed arrive at the institute without preparation – spend time in vain.
Or hand the booklet, which contains the same information as the printed directory, or sent to the stand, "where everything is written." Therefore it is better to prepare in advance and clarify some key points. The most important one – the license and accreditation. Accreditation may or may not, but the license right to teach be required. Availability of accreditation means that education is given under the state program, rather than development of the university. Accreditation is carried out on specific professions, so in the same institution can issue both state and non-state diplomas. And in Russia is still in doubt refer to the diplomas of non-state sample. Learn about all the high school! Having defined the pair-three colleges and universities that match your interests, abilities and / or financial opportunities, look to them for more information. First, read the official high school site. If the information on it is regularly updated, so pro entrants are thinking and waiting. On an official resource, you can usually find the following information: faculties, departments, preparatory courses, training programs. It also provides information on the collection: which documents should be given, the period of delivery, the list of entrance tests, training costs, the conditions of admission of privileged categories of students, etc. The official university portals often have information about faculty. Second, the informal source of information about the university can become a student forums and unofficial sites – a place of communication of those who took "initiation" and entered. Sometimes, they give picture more vivid and accurate. Nonresident applicants may obtain valuable information about the dorm, food, medical care, libraries, etc. Do not forget to ask about the prospects of further employment. Life after school does not end there. tions. It is a fact. But wait, that someone will lead you by the hand and show them what to do, not worth it. But thinking and doing must be right now, despite the stress and hurry.