Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working In A Large Company

Why do so many dreams of working in large companies, with a great name and a popular brand? What are the pros and cons of such work? Try to understand. Pluses. 1.Brend company. Brand company imposes a kind of imprint on the employee working in that company, anyway – on his resume. Bryant family vineyard reviews has plenty of information regarding this issue. In the rays of a certain company's track record looks more impressive and more attractive – for both the employee and for his future employers. It is believed that after working in a well-known company with a worldwide reputation worker provides his demand on the labor market in the years ahead. 2.Karera.

In large companies, career opportunities, and sometimes – a quick and rapid, much greater than in small and medium-sized. But for this there are a number of conditions. The company must be in the stage of growth, not stagnation, while greatly reducing the dynamism and mobility: it must be approved strategic development plans to open new branches, developed new lines, products, markets, launched major projects. In this case, the company regularly, there are many new posts, including guidelines, and very often for the closure of these leadership positions are considered candidates from internal reserves. In addition, the employee must differ in certain personal qualities: to be able to build internal communication with other departments and staff, to be able to interact with management, do not be afraid to show initiative and a healthy ambition. 3.Stabilnost. Most large companies pay their staff "white" wages and pay it regularly, without delay. Besides – the official clearance, compliance with the Labor Code, paid leave duration of 28 calendar days, the opportunity to take loans, corporate bonuses in the form of paid health insurance, mobile communications, transportation costs, etc.

– all this creates the very stability and reliability, which of course is important for everyone. In addition, a large corporation or holding company in terms of financial instability is not bankrupt and not "disappear over the horizon" overnight: even the bankruptcy of major companies – a long process and takes about a month. The term is sufficient for staff to prepare a "reserve airfield". 4.Povyshenie its own value in the labor market. Employees who have worked in large multinational or foreign companies, companies with a worldwide reputation, as a rule aspire to higher salaries than their counterparts from an unknown family firms. 5.Uchastie projects. Employees of corporations often have the opportunity to participate in large-scale, multinational, capital-intensive projects. To many it represents the professional interest and enhance their professional skills. 6.Obuchenie and internships. In large corporations usually do not spare the money to educate their employees. Professional seminars, training, skills, training – use and involve all the opportunities for professional learning and development. If the company is Western, add to this opportunity to get training or go on a business trip abroad. 7.Bytovye conditions. Well-known companies usually do not save on their image, so the premise is removed in major business centers, offices themselves – functional and comfortable, the workplace – a convenient, office equipment – the latest model. However, very often practiced open spase, ie open an office without walls, where they can run multiple dozens of people. Cons. 1.Brend company. The same brand can turn around and its negative side. Increasingly, recruiters are no longer paying much attention to the brand of the company. A 5-6 years of working in one company at one positions can decrease your professional mobility, and the transition like in other industries, can be difficult. 2. specialization. The bigger the company – the narrower specialization, division of responsibilities clearly and rigidly fixed between employees feeling "cog" in the rigid structure of the mechanism called the "Company", which can be easily replaced if necessary. 3.Uroven salary. Some large corporations to initial and ordinary positions offer wages below the market. Explain this by saying that the fact of working in the company of world renown is a good incentive for a candidate and there are many who want to work for a salary exclusively "for the brand and the line in the summary. 4.Stepen freedom. Large corporations, especially Western – is highly regulated structure, with clear, tough, and for all prescribed rules and regulations, applicable to all levels: from the colors of the costume (where adopted a dress code) to the decision-making procedures. Talk about any freedom, make their own decisions on their own responsibility, creativity and creative approach can be very arbitrary. Each step – according to the procedure. 5.Prinyatie solutions. By the same strict regulation and even some red tape – while the decision-making can be repeatedly increase. Where a small company will be enough visas for your immediate supervisor, in a large company will have to pass a number of instances in his and neighboring departments involved in decision solutions, and get a visa a few managers at various levels. 6. in their career. Yes, you may be able to quickly "grow" through the ranks at 2-3 steps upwards. But Many large companies there is an unwritten rule – for middle and upper middle level and top level – almost always – take part. Therefore, the probability to grow to a top level is very limited. In addition, growth often can only be "up" (Vertical pit) or "deep" (the horizontal, until expertise in their fields), while the move from the trend in the direction of one unit to another, ie movement right-left ", is excluded. 7.Psihologichesky climate in the team. In many large companies, especially Western and pro-Western, the relationship between staff of more formal and neutral than the small companies, family-style. But on close and close contact may have to opt out. At work – only thing, just business, nothing personal, no personal emotions and experiences. Thus, work in large corporations has its positive and negative side. Work in such companies, or not work – it is a question of your personal priorities and values. Importantly – to remember that the choice of work should be approached deliberately, after analyzing all available information clearly understanding what the pros and cons can you wait, and clearly understood – but what you do want from the future work?