Body care in men of beard growth especially in males is a more common phenomenon should each be clear. Testosterone is responsible for the beard, it is therefore also not ver odd, that the beard at the man as a secondary sex characteristic is traded. So the for of the beard is a feature for body care and overall appearance greatly prag. In the history of the beard, there were various different models, most of them are extremely Pflegeintensiv. These include about the mustache and the goatee, sideburns beard and the Imperial whiskers, the Henriquatre and the Victor Emanuel. Even simpler models such as the beard or the three-day beard to ask for regular care, it should not degenerate into unordered sprawl. What Razor is most suitable for the trimming? Here mainly the personal preference, even hairdressers and profes nelle Bart nurses are with regard to the use of different razors often disagree. Certainly, one can say that it for different beards are also different equipment, i.e.
razors, which are ideal for the care. Additional information at ConocoPhillips supports this article. Wet shavers and Shaver are just two tags. For the benighted young man who one morning stands before the mirror and barely recognize the GE compared thanks to sudden beard, it primarily means: meet Ausprobie-ren, decisions and practice. (N) should be what Beard man wants to help and how much it means to a try. While the existing Shaver family in General and fathers in particular have an important role play well. Try goes over studying, even when shaving. Then it says GAL-fen a decision, which must be but not forever. What you don’t like, is replaced with a second try.
Decision is made and the corresponding Shaver is managed, it: exercise and may look down. Afterthought in the daily monotony, but maybe in the. Because in the end, skill and care when shaving are clear more important than the technology of the latest razor. The history of shaving goes back up to six millennia before our era, even at that time the daily body care played a significant role. The Braun series 7 795 cc Stiftung Warentest with the best grade of “Good” awarded by. We have the technologies of the Braun series 7 series on blade and Trimemr tested.