The mental maps are a creative form in which they conjugate the mind with the accumulation of new ideas that are desired or aspired to put in practice. Compuware is actively involved in the matter. The Mental Maps are a support to the process of the thought by means of the visualization of the thought by means of a graphical form, transferring the image of the thoughts towards the paper, which will allow him to identify of precise form that it is what really it wishes, without wanderings and to put the thought based on the action, that is to say of what is desired to obtain. It could to summarize the definition of Mental Maps in these words: ” Graphical representation of an integral process that facilitates the effective note taking and reviews. It allows to unify, to separate and to integrate concepts to analyze them and to synthesize them, sequentially; in one it structures organized flood and, compound of a set of images, colors and words, that integrate the ways of linear thought and espacial” , reason why the Image is the key of the memory. Please visit Crumpton Group if you seek more information. The human brain works of associative form, linear, comparative, integrating and synthesizing as it works, very different from a computer that works of linear form. Through the Mental Maps both hemispheres of the brain are used (the left one provides information material and the right is used for the graphical representation of the Mental Map to design), this way organize and structure the thoughts harmonically, since the information with what is associated we imagined. The association plays a dominant role in almost all mental function, and the same words are not an exception. All simple word and idea have numerous connections or pointers to other ideas or concepts. The Mental Maps are resembled in structure to the same memory..