remedy. Therefore the first thing should be to achieve a good Pagerank is populating content relevant, innovative, unique, and valuable to their pages, which will make other webmasters want to link your site and this will improve PageRank. Avoid the use of blackhat techniques, as the stuffing, since Google clearly identifies them. Simply type related texts with which you try to sell or promote and Google will understand perfectly what the semantic relevance of your web. Maps in .xml are an excellent way to tell Google what index and what not.
There are a number of online tools that allow the creation of valid maps for Google and major search engines. One is. Simply enter the url of your site, the frequency with which you estimated that it will change the content of its web (may be never, daily, etc.), the date of the last modification of your page (can leave the server date or set a date by entering normally). It also lets you check if there is your web pages with greater or lower priority. Click on the button start (Start), and then you can download the map of the site, which must upload to your server and upload to webmaster tools, pursuant to information of the site in Sitemaps, where you can upload your site map url.
Other managers of content, like WordPress have plug ins, i.e. applications that can be added to the page that will allow you to create and maintain the site map updated automatically. From download a plug in that you can create in the site map. Another option for WordPress, and other sites with feed, is to load the (e.g. Feedburner feed), as a map of site. There are no excuses, now you can have the map of your website shaped the web promoting your website is to be more effective with these simple applications. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to