Manufacture Products

Such panels are widely used for cladding, decking, flooring, construction of walls, roofs, construction of the various gutters, shuttering, etc. Futurist brings even more insight to the discussion. In cut as they are applied in many sectors of industrial activity. In high-quality products furniture industry flat surface made of plywood, veneered usually expensive decorative veneer. This plywood is made, usually in a special shop furniture company, as the quality and appearance of furniture substantially depend on the compatibility of face veneer and wood framework or skeleton. Plywood of wood both hard and soft wood produces several types and varieties, which differ in purpose, durability, appearance and cost. Among these types of produce, such as plywood for exterior applications, for shipbuilding, for formwork and water-resistant plywood. Used in aircraft plywood with a thickness of 1 mm or more, in the dispensation of using ready-made plywood panels, thickness from 6 to 25 mm for the manufacture of furniture applied veneers with a thickness of 3 mm (three-layer low-grade mirrors for backs and bottoms of boxes) to 30 mm (five-layer bond for countertops desks). For products of different sectors of industrial production required plywood thickness from 3 mm (for shaped trays and troughs) to 38 mm (for printing forms on linoleum).

From the cheap thin plywood everywhere produces components for packaging, which matched nails. Most of the plywood comes in the form of flat sheets or panels, but there are mechanical methods of production and roll-formed products from it. Veneers can prokleivat, bending it to a simple contours, for example, blanks for seats in public places or buildings of radio, etc.