According to information collected in the commemorative magazine Express FIAT, in this exactly day, was given the initial kick for the production in series of FIAT 147, considered as ideal car for Brazil. Its production reached the number of 20 a thousand vehicles per year arriving, in 1981, the 200mil/ano. The implantation of the plant in Minas Gerais provoked deep partner-economic changes of the region, passing of a economy based on farming and the mining, for the category of industrialized state. It also exerted an important paper in the development of the country. Its initial net of 100 concessionaires gifts in the region south and south center of the country, in 1999 started to count on 389 in all Brazilian region.
Also it was responsible for introducing, in the domestic market, available technologies and processes only in countries of 1 world. The magazine also points that ‘ ‘ the assembly plant was pioneering in the launching of the car the alcohol, pick-up derived from the automobile, the engine 16V, the motor turbo, the popular car, the exchange of six marches and many others inovaes’ ‘. After 23 years of installation in Brazil, the plant also was precursory of technological innovations and in a series of trends, between them, the use of methodologies of the quality, conquest simultaneous of two international certificates of quality ISO 9002 and ISO 14001, programs as Autonomy and the cultural FIAT On Line, and some initiatives.