Social Media and Humanity

The equal text has flavor adocicado in the womb of the colored person who shot delivered the arms to it and thoughts of the world measure, therefore was its form, was its social media. The incognito power of the unconscious one arose its will to fill the emptiness or full with the true searches of fbulas of its interior I. In thoughts I write and food to the travellers that to sail is necessary, but without arrived port of or departure The social medias and its sharp claws are the new forms of expansion of the unconscious privacy of the individual with its proper approval of the experimental sharing. The existence of the increasing involved social class with the virtual world is fact, feeding occult desires in an image reflected for digital, galanteios words, smiles, concepts, greetings, love, pain I say and I repeat that the colloquy enters two people by means of the written form and distant of the receiver it is much more including of what the personal form, in the orality, therefore the difference is in descompromisso of the normal and irreplaceable attitudes becoming them in the daily one real life that if has. These forms modify the perception of the real friend, how much reciprocal it can be a modern mind in searching the singularity and simplicity by means of the greed, of the sensorial volpia, the trespass of positive standards to the formation of a rectilinear family for continuous time, fortified in true teachings of we ourselves. Where and as we will go to search a thing that pleases, without wounding the beginning of the other being! The Listener will be present where she wants that it is necessary, therefore this is its mission. To hear! To hear is to speak better! The words will be untied to the wind and agglomerated around of the magnetized one they will fall one to one to be enrolled in the great book of the agony and ecstasy. Joust the position of the vision of the next one is ludibridiada by its emotion and immediate attitude of reply what the principles and ways wound it. It is needed to have more faith and hope in the attitudes of the others that we are we ourselves to temper the words heard in the adjusted amount, thus this food will be digested without me the digestion. The word has the power the interpretation will only be accepted with the moderation contrary Case will be restored the discord of the human being.