The end is not known in that the recent history of the free fall of the EURO will finish. The European economies are taking measured hard to control the fall of the Euro and, therefore, the impossibility of the European Union and its own economies. From the real estate crisis of 2007, in the United States, that afecto the world-wide economy, the European countries has gone of tumble in tumble and they have not been able to stop the situation, in spite of the initial optismismo. Now the Greek crisis, later the Portuguese and, finally, the Italian that is the most vulnerable economies of the European continent. As well, we know that this crisis is going to attract, consequently, changes of articles of incorporation important in the technological field to adapt to the new situations that will result to the benefit of all we. As it said Franklin Youngest child, or is learned by science or experience.
In the view of which one treats is to handle and to understand the complex of the situation that includes from the ethical behavior in himself of the people and of the companies, like of the great changes that are happening in all the fields that abren an endless number of possibilities of entering itself in our modern society and, diria I, by the great door. It is a learning. For that reason, for those ominous ones of the time end, rather I give the reason him to which they say that this happening a great human and historical transformation to a better, cleaner world and with more opportunities and than is, these moments, that we are being witnesses and part. But so that happens, what childbirth, first we must happen through the suffering that means the change and to let old practice to initiate us in they approach which us a more amiable world.