Brazilian Air Force

Cost not to remember that item 5, 6 and 7 caemcomo a glove for Brazil, case Uncle Sam arrives at the conclusion of that Amaznia is being devastada (' ' defense of ecologia' '), of that osianommis they are being massacreed (' ' defense of ' rights humanos' ' ')e by that the drug trafficking took account of our Country (' ' prevention of trficode drogas' '). fortssimo dissuasrio argument -, even so it has the domain of the process deenriquecimento of the Uranian one since the decade of 1980. In little time the domain of the space technology will have tertambm, manufacturing its proper rockets geostationary esatlites, process delayed due to explosion of the VeculoLanador de Satlites (VLS-1) in Alcntara, ME, the occured one in 2003, occasion emque had died 21 Brazilian scientists. Currently, Brazil is for closing important military agreement with France, in the value de6,7 billions of euros, for acquisition of 4 (four) submarine ones> conventionals, atransferncia of French technology for construction of the nuclearbrasileiro submarine, the manufacture of helicopters and the construction of a naval base emSepetiba, RIO DE JANEIRO. With the coming of this ' ' Second Francesa&#039 Mission; ' to Brazil, presididapessoalmente for president Nicolas Sarkozy, the Brasilfechar will not be surprise if agreement in August for the purchase of at least 36 Rafale huntings, dafrancesa Dassault, for project F-X2 of the Brazilian Air Force (BAF), aocusto of US$ 5,4 billion. The proposal of the Dassault includes manufacture of the noBrasil Rafale. With aeleio of Barack Obama, considered less ' ' belicista' ' of what George W. Bush, has sectors of the Ministry of the Defense that do not support the purchase of ltimagerao huntings. These strategists find that the Super Toucans and airplane-radar RC-99, manufactured for the Embraer, are enough for the real necessities of the Country, oque are a serious error for a continental country that she intends to become respeitarinternacionalmente and to occupy permanent seat in Advice of Security of the ONU.