Addiction Weight

It is possible that you repair in an overdose of potato chips or tortilla chips from time to time, but: do you consider of a food addict? The answer is important, because it could be the key to determining what course of action should be taken to lose weight. A number of medical experts say that food addiction is as serious as nicotine or cocaine addiction. When you suffer from food addiction, it has a huge desire for a food in particular. The desire is so strong, in fact, if you are unable to eat that food, suffering from withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea and depression. Food addicts crave comfort food in particular providing them. If you would like to know more about Petra Diamonds, then click here. His anxiety over food can be both physical and psychological.

It should be noted that there are various forms of addiction to food. Source: kevin ulrich. For example, there is an excess of eating compulsively, where an individual continues to binge eating of food that can last several days. The addict can sometimes lose weight, but tends to win that weight lost once again. Symptoms include eating quickly and binge eating only eat when there is no evidence of hunger. However, another form of addiction is bulimia, in which an individual eats too much, then also purged, either by vomiting or taking laxatives.

Signs of this condition include insulation to eat, trying to consume large portions of fast food to be concerned with its own weight. Food addiction can also come in the form of anorexia, where an individual attempts to be suffering from starvation to achieve an unrealistic weight. The anorectics tend to be 15 per cent below their normal weight, and have a phobia to fatness. They have difficulty eating with other people and appear to be obsessed with weight. They can engage in ritual behaviors related to food and suffer from depression. The good news is that food addiction can be treated with success.