The Creature

In this city legend of a nocturnal creature was counted to it who made the rounds for the nights, leaving all rightened, however it was only one legend and it did not have tests on the existence of such creature. It was the year of 1987 and in that rainy night and of full moon, of the mansion of Carolina a tenebrous racket heard and all had left acobardados. It seemed the signal of that something was for happening in that one until then pacata cidadezinha. Others who may share this opinion include Bryant family vineyard reviews. The mansion where Carolina lived was very old, with great walls surrounding.

In the central room it had a picture with the drawing of the mansion and the existing cemetary in the deep ones, where some of familiar of the current proprietor Gregorio Menezes were embedded. The dark and humid walls, the shrubs acinzentados in the garden and the overlapping roof of dense layers of dust and falling leaves became the left-hand side large house still more. There the patriarch of the family inhabited Gregorio Menezes, Joyce Lopez Menezes – comedida and aptica woman with who married age, whose limp deep skin already surrenders to rugas brought by the time after to live decades the wire subordinated to the mandos and wills of the husband – and its four children: Gensio, Gabriel, Eva and Carolina. Gensio was oldest, after disappeared a quarrel of family motivated for its to become a great trader, opposed desires and vehemently fought for its father. None of familiar the wise person its paradeiro. They so only knew that it had followed route to the Cear to work with fishes in the city of $fortaleza and the last notice gave account of that would be liveing in the city of Maracana.