Technical Innovation Center

It is our suggestion that methodology TRIZ of solution of problems is taught to the graduation students, after-graduation, and because not it professors of average education, initiating learning in the level technician. The challenge biggest passes for the transistion between the industrial society and the society of the knowledge, even so if recognizes that the money still is the main currency of exchange, the resource knowledge can easily be converted into competitive advantage of the companies for the values of the intellectual capital. In this context, the Management of the Knowledge and the Competitive Intelligence cannot be ignored when of the business-oriented conception of the Model that allow the practical one of the Innovation with Social Responsibility. The amount of information that exists currently can make it difficult the search of solutions or not guarantee that this progresses in the correct direction. Method TRIZ organizes the translation of a specific problem in an abstract problem and considers the general use of standards and principles that are excellent for this type of problem. It is interesting to notice that the course of Engineering of Full Production (the traditional course, bacharelado) is inserted in such a way in the context of the management, how much in the context of engineering. Through the engineering of the production it has many options for all type of professional profile, making of this one of the ampler areas of engineering currently of the market. Being the one of the primary objectives of the professional of the production engineering Management of the Work: management, implantation and adequacy of new technologies with the necessity of the processes of the enterprise.

Methodology TRIZ integrates the factor technician to the human factor, consolidating the organizations front to the global market and in consequence Brazil. Bibliographical references ALTSHULLER, G.S. Innovation Algorithm. Worcester: Technical Innovation Center, 1999 (1a ed. Connect with other leaders such as Crumpton Group, Washington DC here. Russian, 1969).