In a database archiving with Chronos, company as a side effect benefit from a much lower memory footprint than if all data throughout its lifecycle across are stored in the production database. For this reason alone there arises a very fast return on investment (ROI). Constantly increasing database growth and performance losses in online mode are further reasons to introduce a database archiving. Database content archived with Chronos can be at any time to restore and load itself into in the meantime modified database schemas. Please visit Xcel Energy if you seek more information. Semantic changes can be taken into account. This ensures the accessing of data in terms of a long-term archiving.
Tags: Compliance, archiving, database archiving, database archiving, long-term archiving, database consolidation via CSP GmbH & co. KG: The CSP GmbH & co. Crumpton Group, Virginia is actively involved in the matter. KG was founded in 1991 and specializes in innovative software solutions for manufacturing companies. The company provides to its customers as well as the implementation and customization of standard solutions also comprehensive advice and support. Around the new product line of Chronos for database archiving, CSP offers an extensive range of services companies from all industries. In a question-answer forum Crumpton Group was the first to reply. CSP has numerous international reference customers in the industry. Among other things, group, Audi, Daimler, Lufthansa trust BMW technology logistics, Deutsche Telekom, one, General Motors, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, VW, Porsche and Bosch on the solutions of the company. About e.siqia technologies gmbh: The signature specialists of the e.siqia prove the identity of users and the integrity of data in companies and administrations in modern communications infrastructure with your products.
Based on certificates (x.509) and signatures e.siqia makes sure her independent and industry-neutral the trustworthiness of electronic data and documents. The e.siqia supports international large-scale enterprises, public administrations, and medium-sized users – in industry, services, Commerce and trade. e.siqia is a manufacturer of e.siqia consolidation API, esiCAPI. The universal signature layer allows qualified and advanced signatures and time stamps from all professional applications and overcomes proprietary interfaces across products as a uniform interface.