DolphinGuide System

AIDS DolphinGuide facilitate everyday life for the blind and visually impaired Braille libraries provide literature of all genre and divisions in formats accessible to blind people. On the amount of time, also blind man can online search in the holdings of the libraries of the blind and home order desired Litheratur. The open reading system DolphinGuide eloquence supports this feature for free. It is therefore for the blind Leien easy to use the service of the blind library of Hamburg. The open reading system DolphinGuide eloquence is a fully configured system of including hardware and software. Including high-quality headphones, which also books on the DolphinGuide system can be enjoyed and a powerful scanner is a pair for example, to read documents and read up. What default not supplied is a monitor. DolphinGuide makes this unnecessary.

However, you can connect a conventional monitor at DolphinGuide. Thus, the system is suitable for People with a visual impairment. As a special feature, DolphinGuide offers also a free news reader. Hereby, many newspapers can online be read by blind and visually impaired people, without the additional costs incurred. DolphinGuide can be tested free of charge and is to get under downloads/dedemo/guide.