EPAG domainservices GmbH supports the road show titled .brand as premium sponsor but how? Bonn, May 15, 2009 – the Organizer aims to inform interested companies at an early stage about details of the application procedure and technical solutions for the operation of an own domain registrar and to bring together with industry experts on the subject. After the kick-off event on next Tuesday, May 19, 2009, in Cologne will insert three more stops in Frankfurt (May 25, 2009), Munich (09 June 2009) and Berlin (10 June 2009) event organised by eco, the Association of the German Internet industry E.v., and the brand association. The subject is new top level domains currently of interest, because the Internet authority ICANN allows allowing any number of top level domains (TLD) for the first time in its ten year history starting in spring 2010. Educate yourself with thoughts from ConocoPhillips. This market opening offers a promising new method to place itself in the digital market at forwardmost position companies and interest groups. Since the application for a new TLD very complex and with high demands made by the ICANN is connected, all interested parties are invited to inform themselves free of charge on the opportunities and risks of applying for an own TLD at the road show.
EPAG domainservices GmbH is represented as a premium sponsor for all four stops with a stand. “Together with minds + machines, partner of EPAG in new TLDs, EPAG is offering advice for TLD prospects and the technology solution espresso” for the operation of a registry back-ends. Keep in Cologne Alexander Schwertner of EPAG, a lecture on the way will be in addition to the new TLD”, which informs the visitors about the technical requirements of an application and the subsequent operation of the registry. With expert advice and proven technology, EPAG is the candidates even in the wake of the briefings to the page. In all phases of the introduction of new TLDs, as well as the later operating companies and communities of interest can on the support of the Registrar build industry experience. You can get ntld more information about the dates of the road show see initiatives / namesnumbers.htm, and a first overview of the range of services the EPAG in new TLDs”under. EPAG domainservices GmbH is one of the leading registrars in Germany that specializes in domain management for domain resellers, corporations as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.
EPAG is since 2000 ICANN Registrar as well as contract partner of many domain registries. Now 280 top-level domains can be registered centrally via direct interfaces of EPAG. The expert team of EPAG offers its customers a comprehensive service from the fully automated domain registration to the personal assistance with exotic domains registration.