Infinite Range: Companies Offer Vacancies Via Twitter In

Micro-blogging can experience a personnel consultant not replace Berlin/Dusseldorf, February 10, 2010 – the competition for the best workers is in full swing. And here too, time is worth money. Many companies have now shifted their recruiting activities in the global network, find there not only their future employees, but upgraded its online presence with digital application forms. According to a report of the continuing education portal Manager seminars all DAX companies have built a career portal in their websites. Applicants can set your application right here and do that.

Thus digital applications at large companies have become to the State of the art.” 95 per cent of all enterprises in Germany advertise now vacancies in online job boards, on their own website or on social networks. It has revealed a representative survey of the Federal Association for information technology, telecommunications and new media Association (BITKOM) 1,357 companies. 85 percent of respondents use newspapers and Magazines, to publish job advertisements. Job-seekers come closest to success, when they search for open positions parallel in the Internet and in print media”, BITKOM President August-Wilhelm Scheer explains the results of the survey. While 81 percent of companies stated that they use both channels for the search for new employees. Online job boards are asking employers, where they post their jobs in particular, at the top. 80 percent of all enterprises in Germany put on providers such as step tone monster, the Internet job market of the federal employment agency. On Patz lie two newspapers, used by 68 percent.

50 percent of all companies post their jobs on your own website. In the survey, multiple answers were possible. The recruitment of employees via online social networks such as Facebook, XING and StudiVZ seems, however, still not quite as widespread. 12 percent of the companies surveyed rely on communities, in the Internet-related ICT industry, there are already 19 percent, with the trend “is obviously rising: in addition to personal contacts that lead to potential new employees, now many headhunters are on XING and co., sift the resumes and qualifications”, staff expert Udo Nadolski confirms this trend. The classic advertisement loses in the job market 2.0 therefore gaining importance. The search of new employees on the Web contributes also to the construction of the so-called employer brand – employer branding -“, know the Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. Meanwhile, managers searched for their salvation even in the micro-blogging platform Twitter. According to experts, around 340,000 job vacancies been tweeted last December”. Nadolski though sees the advantages of the almost limitless availability of potential candidates, but not believes that the chirping strategy especially in the area of so-called high will bear potential fruit. No online service has the experience and also instruments Personnel consultant, to find a suitable new employees. Where Twitter and others on the mere ground trust and hope for the needle in the haystack, the recruitment accesses including comprehensive own databases, which enables the candidate looking for a wide variety of criteria and therefore specifically identifies the often only very few actually suitable candidates for a specific position. Also the consultant as opposed to the online service can do the persuasion work, which is now often required to attract candidates at all for a change.” Plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail: