Knowledge Ecological

As Theoretical Referencial, we will use the following workmanships: BRAZIL. MINISTRY OF THE EDUCATION. Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 2002. Vol 3: Knowledge of World; OAK, Isabel Cristina de Moura. Ambient education: the formation of the ecological citizen.

So Paulo: Cortez, 2008. 4 Edition. Docncia in Formation. Problematic Transversal lines. 256p, for believing that the formation of the ecological citizen and the respect to the environment must be cultivated since infancy. This project will have duration of two months? of September the November, being retaken with the pupils whenever necessary. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To make possible a critical and including reflection on the causes and consequences of the ambient degradation of the quarter breaking itself of the reading of the local landscape. To evidence the main ambient implications in the Land division Green, pertaining Dream to the Quarter of Cajupiranga (Parnamirim? RN) caused mainly for the disordered urban growth in the local related one, with sights to excite a reflection around this problematic one and to consider measured effective that contribute for the conservation and preservation of the related locality.

SPECIFIC: To carry through the bibliographical survey on the subject to be searched; To carry through a lesson of field in the Land division Green Dream with the pupils of the Infantile Education of 03 and 04 years with the objective to identify and to evidence the main problems and ambient implications; To search regarding the municipal, state and national legislation ambient identifying the punitive measures for determined ambient crimes; PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS Wheels of colloquy for survey of previous knowledge, lesson of field for the quarter, questionnaires to the parents on aspects of the quarter, drawings produced for the pupils, ecological walk for the school, collective confection of posters and mural with the photos of the carried through activities, exposition in the patio of the school, confection of a Cartilha de Ambient Educao. DIDACTIC RESOURCES digital photographic Machine, computer, printer, official paper, wax bristol boards, chalk, pencil of color, activities printed, mural picture, escaneados photographs and drawings, glue, shears, adhesive ribbon, amongst others. RESULTS Distribution of the Cartilha de Ambient Educao to the families of the pupils and the local community, with sights to the acquisition of positive attitudes ahead of the local environment, the change of attitudes and the formation of the ecological citizen. BRAZIL REFERENCES. MINISTRY OF THE EDUCATION. Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 2002. Vol 3: Knowledge of World. OAK, Isabel Cristina de Moura. Ambient education: the formation of the ecological citizen. So Paulo: Cortez, 2008. 4 Edition. Docncia in Formation. Problematic Transversal lines. 256p.