Polyurethane Foam Technologies

The first polyurethane foam invented (created) by Otto Bayer in 1947. First, polyurethanes have been used in industry as insulating boards, but in the seventies came the technological breakthrough in chemistry and began widespread use of polyurethane foam in aerosol (PUR). The first company packaged in a foam container was an English Royal Chemical Industry, but the first country, who used the foam in the construction, was Sweden – it happened at the beginning eighties, so that today the foam is a young and building products. Polyurethane foam in industry and construction for the production of modern foam need innovative recipe and product quality. A key indicator of success is the development of the Division of Research and Development appropriate chemical formulations, as well as overall quality control during production process. The consumer is required to use the goods in accordance with manufacturer's instructions on the label. Polyurethane foam – is a special product.

The foam is an excellent placeholder for the various voids and cracks and has good sound and heat insulation properties (1 santimmetr hardened foam on its properties correspond termichnym 1.4-1.8 cm polystyrene or mineral wool 1.75 cm). Also polyurethane foam has a high physical (density, performance), and mechanical properties: resistance to compression and rupture, adhesion to building materials. Practical application of a measure values of polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam used for the installation of windows and doors, sound and heat insulation, fill the arches, the compounds of building materials, insulation and seal walls in buildings, cars and boats, as well as foam often perform construction work for general purposes. Differences between different types of polyurethane foam Consumers need to know the difference between the foam with tube and the foam designed under the gun. Standard polyurethane foam features a high density of 19-23 kg / m, and widespread in the market and a more affordable price.