The promotion of services and products through material written and transmitted in any media is as old as human culture. From the very moment in which someone tried to persuade or influence the decisions of a similar, until the proximity marketing or the most technologically advanced forms to communicate an idea, the spirit remains the same. Queremosgenerar an action in our fellow human beings, and obtain a profit from this, that is advertising. And one of the ways in which we can achieve this is through promotional items. The promotion through articles and written content is one of more traditional practices, and does not therefore less effective. However, it is necessary to aggiornarse to new customs and habits of consumers to achieve the maximum benefit from these actions. Studies show chelae consumers willingly receive advertising, provided it is loyal and non-intrusive.
Then it is necessary to not miss the opportunity of promotion notes offer us to reach our assertive way message. Here are some tips on what to do and what not at the time of writing promotional items. Do not lie, nor conceals. If you write about the advantages of certain product or service, it does not want to pass through a note on other topics. For example: how nice that it is summer in the sea, and what convenient cover the House with the best paint for exteriors. Be specific, focus on the advantages that wants to share with future consumers. And what are these benefits? Part arises from the strategic message that your company wants to give (for example: we are leaders in the market by our post sale support); and part of highlights out of the feedback from our audience.
Avoid empty phrases as we are the best, or this is a Premium product of undisputed quality.Based. Users are very educated and know what they are looking for. They don’t need that they lie them. Simply, want to know the advantages and characteristics of certain products, to see whether they agree to their needs and specific expectations. Convince is not like a roller drum which bore the head of whoever reads it. It is simply solid, irrefutable arguments prover by its own weight, and displayed as a company open to the cross-examination and reader feedback. No product is a success until he comes face to face with your consumer audience. It is necessary that the community validate what you are proposing, and you matches your response to what consumers need. It is the litmus test of any marketing action: approval or not–of its users. Promotional items are effective and powerful tools that provide us a channel for excellence to bring our message to a specific target. They give us the possibility of extending us, and put emphasis on the topics that we want to communicate. Find ways to create quality promotional items will help to greatly increase the effectiveness of our marketing activities in general, harnessing them, and complementing them.