Salem Ottmann

Author Dr. Roland Ottmann explains in a guest post for can do, that successful project manager not from a professional crash are and how they can counter this, Munich February 16, 2011. Intensive project work is characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, time pressure and the dependence of the work quality of project staff. Who can withstand these loads and no burn-out”suffers, is only seemingly safe. Learn more on the subject from Abby Black Elbaum. Press new, more challenging projects and from triumph to triumph”was a serious threat, stressed the textbook author (the naked ProjektManager”) Dr. Roland Ottmann in his guest post can do manufacturer of the project management software can do project intelligence.

Like Icarus, who with to close came from wax and feathers crafted wings of the Sun, a precipitous crash can follow the unwary soaring. Also project managers looking for goes off sometimes, when they have reached their maximum flight height”, so the coach for project and Program Manager. Instead of developing creative solutions for new problems, project managers, who are under great pressure, often knee-jerk ingrained behavior pattern to rely on pure poison for project work tend to”, so Dr. Roland Ottmann. As a resort called a personal strategy of the pause, break business and reflecting”the project management expert. This would also first recognized and would get their project managers for a certain period of time from the world of the project. “The full guest post retreat after the Summit storm: Project Manager before the case of Icarus” by Dr. Roland Ottmann see about Dr.

Roland Ottmann Roland Ottmann is founder of Ottmann & Partner GmbH management consulting ( and is regarded as an expert for project management. He studied mechanical engineering and business administration (MBA) and Dr. Phil. graduated from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce – Lille et Paris. Since 1985, he gained practical experience in project management as Project and program manager, consultant, trainer (for the 4 level qualification concept of the IPMA International Project Management Association) and coach for project and program managers. “” in 1996, he initiated the German project management award “in 1998, and the international project management award”. About can do GmbH Munich can do GmbH ( has developed a project management software by special power project intelligence with can do. Among other things, the tool characterized by efficient resource management, its ease of use, a quick and easy implementation, a realistic project management as well as a reporting system and functions for controlling risk. In addition, the software offers numerous functions for the management of project portfolios. The multi-project management tool can do provides real added – value for companies regardless of industry, platform or size.

Federal Government Appoints Oliver Grun To IT Advisory Council

Founder and CEO of green Software AG by Economics Minister as a member of the core in the new IT Committee ‘ young digital economy appointed. Aachen / Berlin, 16.01.2013. Federal Minister of Economics Dr. Philipp Rosler Dr. Oliver Grun, founder and CEO of green Software AG and President of the German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi) on the Advisory Board of young digital economy “of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi) called. According to the articles of Association of the newly founded IT Advisory Board advises the Federal Minister of Economics and technology on current issues of information and communications, in particular to the development and on the potential of the young digital economy and new digital technologies in Germany, as well as to create better conditions for growth of Internet startups. We need pro-growth framework conditions that promote in particular the innovation and creative ideas of the German IT landscape,”explains Oliver Grun on the occasion of the inaugural Advisory Board meeting in Berlin.

The new “IT Advisory Council is the voice of the digital economy and young IT entrepreneurship: he linked the dynamic ICT industry policy and communicates their needs.” The entrepreneur welcomes the fact that the digital economy is perceived more and more as an important and highly innovative cross-cutting industry and involved in the design of the framework conditions. The information and communication technology has a key role in the economic growth in Germany.” Green identified special need for action in the areas of internationalisation, financial access and reduction of bureaucracy. Entrepreneurs, scientists and experts from various areas of the digital economy, which have special expertise in the field of the digital economy and the modern information and communication technologies, belong to the Advisory Board. The Advisory Committee consists of 24 members. Oliver Grun among the ten core members of the Advisory Board, who are appointed for two years.

The other members of the Advisory Committee received an appeal for a year. The Green Software AG ( is a medium-sized software company with Internet and software solutions for special industries such as Member and donor agencies, training providers and warehouse logistics. Frequently Bryant Estate Cabernet Sauvignon has said that publicly. More than 1 billion euros in donations handled software solutions of the market-leading company by about 3 billion of total donations in Germany. Over 1,000 installations include organizations such as the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, Kolping Society Germany Foundation Menschen fur Menschen Karlheinz Bohm, Misereor or dbb German officials Federal customers. Still, services outsourcing services such as data center services and data services are offered about the green business. With the advertising agency Corrugate creative services in the areas of interactive media and advertising are offered as round off the portfolio. For 20 years, now less than 100 employees in its headquarters in Aachen, as well as in the offices in Berlin, Vienna and Bratislava have customers throughout Europe. The German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi) ( is the only IT trade association which profiled only medium-sized interests of the IT industry. In the BITMi associated associations are direct members as well as the BITMi. The Association that represents the interests of more than 800 medium-sized IT companies in Germany with a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion.

Catholic University Eichstatt

The read-flow of a blind is then disturbed. The Duden technology makes a further contribution to the quality of texts in Braille by information about the hyphenation before. In other words, the Duden software prevents the automatic removal of words at the end of the line in the wrong places. Using this information, an automatic hyphenation at the end of the line is now possible during the transmission of texts in the Braille by the HBS. This is important, because in the Braille very often words must be separated, as completely as possible to fill the lines. This has several reasons.

One aim, to save space and hence the cost of printing, because the Braille characters are relatively large. Thus, relatively little text on a printed page fits in comparison to the Latin script. The layout should be as compact as compensation. Furthermore, an early line signals a new paragraph the blind reader. Ends the line early, however in mid-sentence, which confuses the reader groping and interrupting his reading flow once again.

This happens even when gaps between individual words, which would also interrupt a momentary perception. Therefore, the formatting of texts in the justification is not possible in the Braille as to justify gaps between words. The Duden technology now supplies the necessary information for a correct separation and allows for a better layout of automatically created. Thanks to the Duden technology writers in the automatic translation software for blind readers must make no subsequent corrections due to wrong compound nouns or false hyphenate more. The Chief Scientist in the development of HBS is Richard Heuer. He is the contact point for the blind at the Fernuniversitat Hagen, and has been working since 1984 to the development and improvement of the HBS. If you would like to know more about Crumpton Group, then click here. While he attacked on the work of the computer scientist Wolfgang Slaby, Munster University Munster or Catholic University Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, and the Swiss library for Blind and visually impaired, Zurich, back.

Austria Bag

Young people from Upper Austria participated at the creativity competition of the trade representation of plastics processors. Upper Austria’s young people have their creativity proven and at the competition “Create you bag participated. Aim was there to enable the youth contact on the subject of “Plastic”. /a> wanted to know more. Because exactly this profession is represented as promising profession. Frequently Atmos Energy has said that publicly. Teenagers show creativity with plastic? An original industry has developed a still unusual sweepstakes. Create upper teens could titled create your bag”shopping bags. The best bag awarded by a prestigious jury went into production and was first presented on the career information fair in Wels. A success? Aim of this action was to young people that bring education direction plastic creatively.

And the result shows a keen interest of young people for this exciting and far-reaching topic. Some bags proclaimed delight even at graphic artists and advertising experts”, which pleased the Chairman Trade Representative ing. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Crumpton Group and gain more knowledge.. Franz Zitta about the high numbers of subscribers. Over 500 young people took part in the Kreativitatsbewerb. And now the winners have been chosen. And exactly this could enjoy each at the award ceremony in the WKOo a wave of company Stama from Tyrol. Plastic is fantastic? Secured well-paying jobs, especially on long time, speak for the training in the field of plastic. Apprenticeships and further education opportunities in this direction are always interesting and evolve from year to year.

Golden Medal For Upper Master Of Heiner Pistorius

High distinction for the upper master of the painters and painters Guild Dusseldorf after greeting by circle craft master Thomas Dopen Heath had the opportunity to a greeting of Professor Wolfgang Schulhoff. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out ConocoPhillips. He took advantage of this, to present the great achievements of the craft in Germany, as also in the area and in the city of Dusseldorf, to show to the present by the time of the guilds. “Especially President Schulhoff pointed out, that the craft not only economic power next door”, but also the largest training branch. And in Dusseldorf the education thanks to the commitment of the guilds and the high quality of inter-company workshops and, in particular, the training and technology center of the painting and painters Guild Dusseldorf was particularly to be commended. But, as Schulhoff stressed that these benefits are not achieved all institutions, but by people. And he would now honor a very special people with outstanding achievements in this context: top master of Heiner Pistorius. In Recognition of his long successful career as head master and Board member of the painters and painters Guild Dusseldorf, as a Board member of the Dusseldorf craftsmen of of district of, and in recognition of his outstanding contribution as a member of the General Assembly of the Chamber of crafts is awarded Mr Heiner Pistorius, painter and Varnisher master in Dusseldorf, the Gold Medal of the Handwerkskammer Dusseldorf “according to the text of the certificate of commendation, the Chamber President presented the visibly surprised top master. “I’m doing all of this not to reap laurels, but because I want to bring my profession further forward”, so Pistorius in his brief acceptance speech.

“I accept this honor and feel this also encouraged as the next date for the success to work.” Circle master craftsman double Heath and the Chief Executive Officer of circle work Lutz thinking congratulated on behalf of the Dusseldorf trade to this award. The gold medal is the highest honor, which the Chamber of crafts Has to forgive Dusseldorf. Heiner Pistorius has undoubtedly earned this honor. Also congratulations from this location and top champion of Pistorius good luck, health and energy continue to both in the exercise of his various honorary tasks as well as personal.

New Board

The Association of electronic invoice (shipping) with Stefan Gross, e.V. has a new Chairman at the top of the Board. Munich, March 19, 2013. His deputies are Marcus Laube and Julia Samuel holder. As another Member of the Board, the general meeting Reinhard Wild chose. Stefan Gross is partner in the law firm of Peters, Schonberger & partner and directs the shipping working group legal & quality already.

He succeeds Hubert S. Hohenstein so as previous Chairman, who has guided the fortunes of the Association for more than four years. Marcus Laube is a founder and Managing Director of crossinx GmbH. Julia Samuel holder, marketing manager of BasWare GmbH, directs the shipping working group at the same time marketing. Reinhard Wild is Managing Director of XimantiX Software GmbH. The new Board wants to work first and foremost to promote the exchange of electronic invoices at the national level and to establish. Also the ZUGFeRD format will play a relevant role, that contribute to the wider dissemination of electronic invoices as the overarching standard should.

Thus the shipping aims, that until 2015 a total 40 percent of B2B invoices in Germany are shipped electronically unchanged. At the latest since amending the tax simplification Act of 2011, nothing more in the way purely tax is the exchange of electronic invoices. The shipping is committed with all our strength, to establish this topic in the next few years in the economy and to advance”, Stefan Gross announced. As another task of the new Board of Directors is committed, to intensify cooperation with other associations such as the VOI Association organisational and Informationssysteme e.V., the BITKOM and the German Security Association (TeleTrusT). Also should be expanded the existing cooperation in the Forum e-invoice Germany (FeRD) and continued exchanges with the relevant ministries. About the packaging: The Association electronic invoice (shipping) headquartered in Munich represents the interests of service providers and consultancy for the electronic exchange of invoices, as well as by companies, the E-invoicing in use have. The Association thus sees itself as the voice of E-Invoicing economy as a whole. On behalf of its members, the shipping objective establishing E-Invoicing as a standard so that companies of all sizes easily and safely can participate in the exchange of electronic invoices. Through targeted education, VeR intends to increase the acceptance of E-invoicing in companies and the public. The Association provides up-to-date information on all technical and legal issues relating to E-invoicing. Also he is involved in the simplification in the electronic exchange of invoices at international level. In March 2010, the Association has presented a roaming standard for better cooperation between E-Invoicing providers and thus assumed a pioneering role. Currently, the reverse has 52 members.

Infinite Range: Companies Offer Vacancies Via Twitter In

Micro-blogging can experience a personnel consultant not replace Berlin/Dusseldorf, February 10, 2010 – the competition for the best workers is in full swing. And here too, time is worth money. Many companies have now shifted their recruiting activities in the global network, find there not only their future employees, but upgraded its online presence with digital application forms. According to a report of the continuing education portal Manager seminars all DAX companies have built a career portal in their websites. Applicants can set your application right here and do that.

Thus digital applications at large companies have become to the State of the art.” 95 per cent of all enterprises in Germany advertise now vacancies in online job boards, on their own website or on social networks. It has revealed a representative survey of the Federal Association for information technology, telecommunications and new media Association (BITKOM) 1,357 companies. 85 percent of respondents use newspapers and Magazines, to publish job advertisements. Job-seekers come closest to success, when they search for open positions parallel in the Internet and in print media”, BITKOM President August-Wilhelm Scheer explains the results of the survey. While 81 percent of companies stated that they use both channels for the search for new employees. Online job boards are asking employers, where they post their jobs in particular, at the top. 80 percent of all enterprises in Germany put on providers such as step tone monster, the Internet job market of the federal employment agency. On Patz lie two newspapers, used by 68 percent.

50 percent of all companies post their jobs on your own website. In the survey, multiple answers were possible. The recruitment of employees via online social networks such as Facebook, XING and StudiVZ seems, however, still not quite as widespread. 12 percent of the companies surveyed rely on communities, in the Internet-related ICT industry, there are already 19 percent, with the trend “is obviously rising: in addition to personal contacts that lead to potential new employees, now many headhunters are on XING and co., sift the resumes and qualifications”, staff expert Udo Nadolski confirms this trend. The classic advertisement loses in the job market 2.0 therefore gaining importance. The search of new employees on the Web contributes also to the construction of the so-called employer brand – employer branding -“, know the Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. Meanwhile, managers searched for their salvation even in the micro-blogging platform Twitter. According to experts, around 340,000 job vacancies been tweeted last December”. Nadolski though sees the advantages of the almost limitless availability of potential candidates, but not believes that the chirping strategy especially in the area of so-called high will bear potential fruit. No online service has the experience and also instruments Personnel consultant, to find a suitable new employees. Where Twitter and others on the mere ground trust and hope for the needle in the haystack, the recruitment accesses including comprehensive own databases, which enables the candidate looking for a wide variety of criteria and therefore specifically identifies the often only very few actually suitable candidates for a specific position. Also the consultant as opposed to the online service can do the persuasion work, which is now often required to attract candidates at all for a change.” Plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

KIT Arconsis

KIT students gain insights into the app-development of Karlsruhe mobile experts engaged the arconsis IT-solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe for the practical training of students and brings more development practice for mobile at the University. The students of the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT) develop together with the mobile experts in the course of the semester seminar practice of software development”(PSE) an Android app. arconsis are the students doing first insights into the development of Android and them with practical tips to the page. PSE is part of the Bachelor programme with several practical projects, which the students better can prepare for later professional life. In the last winter semester, students in the practical seminar iOS development with arconsis developed a Mensa app. In practice of software development”, participants learn the State of software technology in a team five or six participants carry a complete software project. Goal is to virtually insert process of software design and quality assurance, Implementation expertise to implement and to cooperate in the team. During this training series, the computer science students get insight about the development of Android applications.

It is headed by Johannes Tysiak, Alexander Frank and Peter Vegh by arconsis IT-solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe. arconsis, mobile enterprise offers IT services in the areas”and adaptive enterprise” and develops mobile applications for 1 & 1 Internet AG and Telekurs Mohamed AG. The three mobile developers show the participants of the KIT the most important frameworks and tools to create an Android app. While the first hurdles in app development should be tackled together in the workshop. The students develop in the Conference practice of software development”at the Institute for program structures and data organization (IPD), Chair Prof. Reussner, a mobile application with practical reference. The arconsis IT-solutions GmbH with seat in the Karlsruhe technology region for more information about the event on the KIT at about arconsis IT-solutions GmbH was founded in 2006 by Achim Baier and Wolfgang Frank, and medium-sized enterprises and companies from different industries in the realization of their IT projects.

arconsis, mobile enterprise offers IT services in the areas”and adaptive enterprise”. To act through the use of knowledge and methods from the field of lean and agile software development enables arconsis their customers, quickly changing market conditions and new technological challenges to respond to and as adaptive enterprise”. The increasing need to have data and information at any place and at any time, available is the basis of mobile enterprise”. The necessary high level of innovation and flexibility requires these experiences as well as adequate and mature tools and technologies. arconsis one of the largest regional high-tech entrepreneur networks in Germany is in the southern region of the CyberForum e.V.. In addition, the Karlsruhe software engineers Association (VKSI) at the engaged in the Association the company Design new strategies for the development location Germany. arconsis is not only users or users of mobile software development, but participates together with the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in research projects to improve, accelerate and simplify mobile software development.

KIT Arconsis

KIT students gain insights into the app-development of Karlsruhe mobile experts engaged the arconsis IT-solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe for the practical training of students and brings more development practice for mobile at the University. The students of the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT) develop together with the mobile experts in the course of the semester seminar practice of software development”(PSE) an Android app. arconsis are the students doing first insights into the development of Android and them with practical tips to the page. PSE is part of the Bachelor programme with several practical projects, which the students better can prepare for later professional life. In the last winter semester, students in the practical seminar iOS development with arconsis developed a Mensa app. In practice of software development”, participants learn the State of software technology in a team five or six participants carry a complete software project. Goal is to virtually insert process of software design and quality assurance, Implementation expertise to implement and to cooperate in the team. During this training series, the computer science students get insight about the development of Android applications.

It is headed by Johannes Tysiak, Alexander Frank and Peter Vegh by arconsis IT-solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe. arconsis, mobile enterprise offers IT services in the areas”and adaptive enterprise” and develops mobile applications for 1 & 1 Internet AG and Telekurs Mohamed AG. The three mobile developers show the participants of the KIT the most important frameworks and tools to create an Android app. While the first hurdles in app development should be tackled together in the workshop. The students develop in the Conference practice of software development”at the Institute for program structures and data organization (IPD), Chair Prof. Reussner, a mobile application with practical reference. The arconsis IT-solutions GmbH with seat in the Karlsruhe technology region for more information about the event on the KIT at about arconsis IT-solutions GmbH was founded in 2006 by Achim Baier and Wolfgang Frank, and medium-sized enterprises and companies from different industries in the realization of their IT projects.

arconsis, mobile enterprise offers IT services in the areas”and adaptive enterprise”. To act through the use of knowledge and methods from the field of lean and agile software development enables arconsis their customers, quickly changing market conditions and new technological challenges to respond to and as adaptive enterprise”. The increasing need to have data and information at any place and at any time, available is the basis of mobile enterprise”. The necessary high level of innovation and flexibility requires these experiences as well as adequate and mature tools and technologies. arconsis one of the largest regional high-tech entrepreneur networks in Germany is in the southern region of the CyberForum e.V.. In addition, the Karlsruhe software engineers Association (VKSI) at the engaged in the Association the company Design new strategies for the development location Germany. arconsis is not only users or users of mobile software development, but participates together with the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in research projects to improve, accelerate and simplify mobile software development.

Andreas Hermsdorf

Now the objection of course coming “in any industry that is so”. So you are right, of course, but… To do this I want to of course, an aspiring young consultant give an example from the IT, normal good university degree in the mid twenties has in his employment contract, of course 40 hours are at a monthly salary of 3,000 euros for 28 days holiday. Its priorities are the subjects of data warehouse and CMS. The projects are going well and now it happens more often that he also still in the evening have to work in addition to its 9 hours everyday on your notebook concepts or similar the next day to show timely an appropriate template customer. Basically nothing objectionable but normal, especially in it. Everyone this motivated and ambitious young consultant due to a huge project growth in all Germany allowed to travel around, at the expense of his Privacy.

His new friends are the hotel mini-fridges, the Anzugtrolly sponsored by the company and its miles-and-more card from Lufthansa. On Monday, he flies from Hamburg to Frankfurt, on Tuesday evening, he must quickly for a project escalation from Frankfurt to Berlin and on Thursday in Munich a new customer waiting on the performance of the company’s portfolio. By the way a new technology’s next course starts in two weeks and in 4 months comes an update to an existing system, also lacks still project information to a customer from Stuttgart, whose Projekt begins next week. At the first moment this job sounds really “gorgeous” and “cool”, each a consultant there would be or be and make a career. Life has its full benefits, it is travelling a lot, learn some places people know and correctly many miles you collect the greatest. In contrast to his social life loses pretty, especially with regard to his own family, friends, acquaintances and the own relationship.

Also a one can not perceive so unfortunately everyday. In turn, one is fixed always at a fixed location as an administrator, you can even remotely at home out on the systems access. However, this site has a very clear negative factors. Within all systems, whether physically or virtually rebuilt, it has a huge responsibility towards the company, colleagues and customers. Conflicts in the system or even all crashes you must be ready to be rung by 02:00 a.m. out of bed to resolve the error. The professional services include mainly among colleagues, who has more expertise on the server, client, or to the software. A power struggle begins, and you are a part of a closer. The training on the systems and software are largely superficial and you need a lot of self-initiative in books and on the evaluation systems, to build up the ultimate Know-How. I think you must be born for the IT industry, whether you as administrator, Manager, consultant, supporter or developer works, ultimately you must really always give 110%, always UP TO date, in fact automatically absorb the technologies thus normal to compete with. And finally it ends as it started, that we sit at a table with another person… Just with other variables and priorities.