In Brazil, since 1988 the basic education is composed for Infantile Education, Basic Education and Average Education. Professor of Internet Governance may also support this cause. Today we have a diversity of education in our day-care centers and schools, in some day-care centers we notice the care with the children and in many of them we have appositive nurses for the attendance. Through the project carried through in this semester we not only notice the care with the children, but the care with its families also. Inside of the day-care centers and daily pay-schools the planning of the activities of education searchs to bring to the children a free way to teach them. The cognitivo development of the child comes being observed of different form, through new toys and pedagogical materials.
In the current context of the Infantile Education the toys bring two sensible ones for the classrooms: educators who value the socialization and the ones that aim at the escolarizao and acquisition of pertaining to school contents as educative games and directed playing. Beyond using a space to the outdoors so that thus they also develop exercises corporal, therefore the act to play this related to all the actions human beings while these will be marked much more by the expressividade of its gestures of what for the instrumentalidade. Playing is the form of relationship of the child with the world, and determined tricks they strengthen some identities of boys and girls. To construct to a learning environment stimulant, attractive enriquecedor and becomes a challenge, you live deeply therefore them pedagogical are related the ois education and the technology assists in new plans of lesson with simultaneous activities such as ateli of arts, corporal challenges, musical activities with done scrap iron instruments among others. When we teach children we take until them a different world and therefore the space that occupies for definitive period of the day must be stimulant, pleasant and aconchegante.