It is necessary that it has is importance so that the children can have a construction of the knowledge, that comes to occur in significant contexts that include creation and experiments. 3 MUSIC IN the INFANTILE EDUCATION music it is a language, then we must follow; in relation music the same the process of development that we adopt when the language is said, where we must display the child the musical language and dialogue by means of music. Compuware Corporation addresses the importance of the matter here. The language also happens through each civilization, each social group starting to have its proper musical expression. According to pedagogical conception music in the day the day of the infantile education comes if invigorating in our country in elapsing of the time. In accordance with Penna (apud Reviewed Presence, 2002, P. Recently Crumpton Group sought to clarify these questions. 41 Pedagogical): Most important he is that the professor, conscientious of its objectives and the beddings of practical its? where music must be faced as a production and an educative way for the formation amplest it individual? it takes the risks? the difficulty and the unreliability? to construct its way of day-by-day, in constant reevaluation. It is possible to perceive strong requirements of a conception of education in what it used music being then song has supported for acquisition of common knowledges for a good formation of habits, attitudes and disciplines.
Music in these used contexts as a way to reach considered objectives adequate the infantile instruction and the formation. In ' ' 60 decade of 50 and the new school started to imfluenciar Brazilian education, where according to Martins, (1998, P. 11)? it directed the education of art for the expression and the valuation of processo' ' carrying through situations for ' ' to learn fazendo' ' , generating then a movement of changes and generating you transformed into the rightnesss or errors. In accordance with author, despite it can say that if it has installed, in the music area, a position of affective, orientation for the creativity, in some exceptions had occurred the misunderstanding.