Ramon Nava

The emphasis in this manner since a high percentage of human beings from birth and live in their different development stages have not had the opportunity to go through a school and the percentage that have done so have considered only the or perhaps primary, secondary and that if you finish it and yet have become famous or copies reason to become legends, some with their name, others anonymous but after all, in various literatures ., since data have been collected by the Science, the Perennial Philosophy and educators who are nourished by the Education Demonstrate holistic and will bear fruit and as a consequence, the integral formation of man, and there, learning communities, among other examples. Thereupon applies holistic education. Atmos Energy Corporation: the source for more info. Continuing the vision of holistic education, we clarified to accept the existence of different forms and rhythms to learn, to express and to teach, taking into consideration general epistemological relations, which are three, namely Objetoa “Property belonging nature., Sujetoa “Object, which corresponds to education and the Sujetoa mechanistic ” Subject, which is typical of holistic education. >Chiyoda Corporation shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Royal Dutch Shell is actively involved in the matter. Thus resulting in three forms of knowledge called by Ken Wilber, the three eyes of knowledge, they being the beef, which is why the man perceives the outside world, space, time and empirical objects)., The of Reason, which allows philosophical knowledge, the logic and the mind transempirical) and the Eye of contemplation, which which there is access to transcendent realities. In summary, considering the eight developmental stages of Erik Erikson, the dimensions of the human being, levels of wholes of Ron Miller, Multilevel Educational Model “Multidimencion, Ramon Gallegos, the three general epistemological relations and visions of world as indicated by the holistic education, including basic, human beings from birth and during development of the range of enriching knowledge and others, can be achieved for the elderly desired future, full of well-being, happiness and finally HAPPY for the rest of life, thanks to the fundamental principles of holistic education. Alina de Almeida often says this. BIBLIOGRAPHY..

The Globalization

The form or strategy of administration of the globalization, is adjusted to the principles of 3 the neoliberal model, that it is a vehement theoretical reaction and politics against the interventionist State and of welfare. Undisputedly, it is a process without precedents in the history of the societies human beings, considering its abrangncia, its amplitude and power of domination. Express in the consumption of superfluous and dismissable, in the conditional taste of the people, in the division of the society in consumers and merchandises. Obviously, cousin for ' ' bons' ' customers. A related site: Xcel Energy mentions similar findings. Vender and to buy: the magnificent and seductive epigraph. The education, while social phenomenon, suffers influences from the ample reorganization of the society (in course), in a successive and globalizante scale, redefining practical and educational politics. Michael Steinhardt may find this interesting as well.

The globalization of the education is evident, as cultural process by means of the processing, diffusion and transmission of information. It implies, therefore, in a uniformizao of economic and cultural standards. In this context, the enterprise, mercantile logic, if imposes the politics. With the withdrawal of the State in the plan of development of the societies, consequently, ' ' it enters in cena' ' the privatization of the public services and the restriction to the social rights. Doubtlessly, the exclusion of human groups shows as the tragic face and macabra of this historical moment. It is insisted on making to believe that ' ' the destination is this mesmo' ' , ' ' they do not exist alternative to the accumulation of capital' ' , ' ' it is the end of the Histria' ' …. The insistences for the legitimation of the neoliberal ideology are many, as it affirms Malaguti (2000, P.

07): ' ' the neoliberal iderio is totalizante and totalitarian. … Is presented as a species of ' thought nico' or ' truth inquestionvel' , looking for to impose itself, for this it saw, as exclusive interpretation of the reality social.' ' The immobilization of the History, proclaimed for the neoliberal thought, proclaims ' ' vitria' ' of the gift.

Foreign Language

Surely, almost every one of us once in your life trying to learn a foreign language. Click Atmos Energy for additional related pages. At least at school. And for many of these attempts have ended in zero-sum? foreign language they do not learns. However, many sincerely like this do for one reason or another. Why? The most trivial explanation? not have the ability to learn foreign languages.

But is it really? May still cause the other? For example, a person personally does not fit the chosen method of learning the language. Or maybe just do not have time to study or not suitable schedule of classes. It happens that the person does not fit the teacher. There is such a thing as psychological incompatibility. Therefore, if identified the exact cause of failure, we can find an antidote, and language learning. In this article we will try to find an antidote to one of the most common causes of failure in learning foreign languages. The reason for this? improper technique.

Now the majority of methods of teaching in schools, colleges and even in traditional tutoring – teaching of students, though they all gathered to become linguists, that is a completely unnecessary for most details. Foreign language in most cases taught as the mother? with memorizing a set of grammatical rules, which for the ordinary user of language is not needed! We have a language and its grammar rules are not remember, and now foreign. Therefore, the most important thing? is to divide ordinary users of language and linguists.

Brazilian Childhood Education

In Brazil, since 1988 the basic education is composed for Infantile Education, Basic Education and Average Education. Professor of Internet Governance may also support this cause. Today we have a diversity of education in our day-care centers and schools, in some day-care centers we notice the care with the children and in many of them we have appositive nurses for the attendance. Through the project carried through in this semester we not only notice the care with the children, but the care with its families also. Inside of the day-care centers and daily pay-schools the planning of the activities of education searchs to bring to the children a free way to teach them. The cognitivo development of the child comes being observed of different form, through new toys and pedagogical materials.

In the current context of the Infantile Education the toys bring two sensible ones for the classrooms: educators who value the socialization and the ones that aim at the escolarizao and acquisition of pertaining to school contents as educative games and directed playing. Beyond using a space to the outdoors so that thus they also develop exercises corporal, therefore the act to play this related to all the actions human beings while these will be marked much more by the expressividade of its gestures of what for the instrumentalidade. Playing is the form of relationship of the child with the world, and determined tricks they strengthen some identities of boys and girls. To construct to a learning environment stimulant, attractive enriquecedor and becomes a challenge, you live deeply therefore them pedagogical are related the ois education and the technology assists in new plans of lesson with simultaneous activities such as ateli of arts, corporal challenges, musical activities with done scrap iron instruments among others. When we teach children we take until them a different world and therefore the space that occupies for definitive period of the day must be stimulant, pleasant and aconchegante.

Intensive Training

The challenge is that we need to learn to use the computer group of 8-10 people in a short period – 2 weeks. Swarmed by offers, Eliot Horowitz is currently assessing future choices. This can be done only on computer courses for beginners in specially equipped classrooms. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Mitchell Resnick offers on the topic.. All the complexity is to build a sequence of development of the material so that it was possible for each class to learn new material without a specific theories and pronunciation of unfamiliar terms. It is very important sequence of study. The classic approach – in the forehead as in the textbook does not pass. Usually this is such a string: – architecture personal computer and begins the story of the cpu, memory, I / O, etc.

Pronounced mass of words that a beginner can not understand the words and not understand. – The operating system and the full program – the interface, folders, files, desktop, settings, software installation. Again the same thing – mass of unfamiliar words and concepts. Normal people do not understand it even if to show on the screen – everything is strange, even if somewhere is understandable, the vaguely. The first principle of learning – the natural sequence of study. The idea is that man sits at the computer and before it gets a specific task: turn on the computer, start the program, enter text, etc. And supply and solve this problem must be the teacher The teacher should explain a new concept or term only when a student faced with this concept while working on his instrument. For example: about folders and files you need to talk only after a student introduced his paper and he needed tomorrow to work with him, and hence somewhere to save it.

Pedagogical Tool

INTRODUCTION In virtue of events that had taken the favorable situations of the use of histories in quadrinhos in classroom, appeared the choice for this subject, in the direction to privilege diversified activities and creative, that propitiated moments of pleasure and discovery and histories in quadrinhos are one of the medias that the man created, a time that despertam in the pupils the taste for the reading, comment of the colors, say of them, the headings, the transmitted ideas and the rhythm of histories. According to Flag (2009, P. 1): In the basic and average education, the quadrinhos not yet are enclosed as content programmarian in the pertaining to school resumes, and not even as didactic methodology to teach others you discipline such as Portuguese, mathematical language, geography, etc. Are observed that in the etrias bands of basic and average education it has great consumption of quadrinhos for the estudantil public. The quadrinhos help to the children and young to consolidate its habits of reading and understanding of ideas, without speaking of the potential of the quadrinhos in working curricular contents because of its great acceptance. In the present time to work with histories in quadrinhos can be a proposal of incentive to the development of the language in Portuguese language, as well as stimulating the abilities of reading, dramatizao, artistic count of infantile histories, and presentations, as main pedagogical resources. In this direction, the general objective of this work is to search the Use of HagQu Software as Pedagogical Tool in the Creation of Histories in Quadrinhos: a strategy of education for the pupils of 5 series of the municipal school Shining River, located in the Avenue Lourival Barbosa, n 882, Olmpico Quarter in the city of Shining River, the Golden Region, the year of 2009, period this delimited for the development of this research. The choice for this subject if gave for professional reasons, therefore being teacher of Arts of Basic Ensino and Room of Educational Technology I come working analyzing activities related to the use of histories in quadrinhos as didactic resource in the search to extend the knowledge of the pupils on comicses, its elements and in varied activities, mainly those come back toward the construction of the reading and writing, involving the technological tools.

Traditional Knowledge

Over all, to stimulate practical continuous innovators and that surpass the problems in the division of knowing. We detach, therefore, the importance of the university professor to have conscience of that its necessary methodology to be reviewed, considering as requisite the approach of the content to be given to the experience of its pupils, committing itself to the changes and ruptures in all the activity levels human being. It is in this perspective that (CHESTNUT, 2000, P. 87) it affirms: ' ' The education in all the levels necessary of a new position. Traditional education gradually comes giving to place the practical alternatives that must lead to the global development of educating and light entusiasmo.' ' Analyzing for this angle, the university professor who wants to modify practical its in classroom, covers a zone of transistion of paradigms, developing a new position that includes new metodolgicos procedures, as it recommends CHESTNUT (2000), when pontua that the main focus of this new paradigm is the professor, for being contextual social a historical citizen and politician, who must be understood and be considered to understand its practical professor.

Still in this line of analysis, we find reinforcement: Involved university professors with innovation in the university have a conception of knowledge that involves flexibility and movement, understand the knowledge in construction, stimulate the doubt, value the error and work it on the basis of. provisioriedade, the multiplicity and the moment permeiam cotidiano.' ' (WEDGE, 1998, p.107) Being thus, the doubt in classroom that was seen as an error, failure, unfamiliarity, currently is part of a context of construction of the knowledge, since that it has subsidies for its development. Basically, a necessary university professor beyond dominating the content to be worked, to understand the motivation of the learning as a daily pay condition of the learning and from developing techniques and procedures there that stimulate the interest of the pupils for ' ' aprender' '.

The Text

Another one aggravation, ally to this constatao, verifies in the referring questions to the reading and the literal production. The claim of the lack of domain of the grammatical norms praised by the language standard and of literal strategies is unanimous. Beyond, as it is known, the argumentativa lack of legal capacity, of not the exercise of the formularization of ideas, concepts and proper opinions. We can also affirm that to read it means not to be only in what they say the texts, but to incorporate what they bring to transform our proper knowledge, developing it, of form that if improves beyond the knowledge, to know intrinsic to the social life. It can be read of superficial form, but also if it can interrogate the text, to leave that it considers new doubts, questions previous ideas and induces to think in another way. Compagnon defends that the reading has to see with empatia, projection and identification, fitting the reader to make its choices of readings, when these are imposed, it finishes for if having an imperfection in the interaction of the text with the reader, this, reading and interprets, only and mere, for obligation if not dedicating or abstracting from the text what it has of news. We verify that the paper of the reader, today ' ' it is free, bigger, independent: its objective is less to understand the book of what to understand itself exactly; by the way it cannot understand a book if it thanks to its does not understand proper livro' ' (COMPAGNON, 2003, P. 144), in this we verify the effectiveness of the reading in the formation of the criticidade of the reader, as well as a deep recognition of itself in its readings, abstracting from them what of essential it possesss for its personal and partner-cultural formation. Analyzing literature contemporary, we make possible certain concern with paper of the reader and as this interacts with the text, verifying as crucial the mediation and orientation of the professor and its strategies so that the reading is become fullfilled in efficient way.

Pedagogical Quality

This is not the idea, would be an excellent chance of the professors to learn with the pupils, with this gesture could teach that, no matter how hard if knows a substance, it always has something to learn in another one. Zagury (2006, p.203) affirms: The method can be moved and techniques of education for the other most modern ones, without this improves the quality of education, because it is not the method that makes a good professor; he is the professor who makes any method to become effective. What it does not annul nor contradicts the necessity (only reinforcement) to play all ours ' ' cartas' ' in the recovery of the teaching quality. The professor is who teaches e, to teach with quality, needs itself to believe what he makes and that they believe it, demonstrating extra respect, devotion, security and abilities. Psicopedagogo must play different roles in the development of educational practical its, over all in the direction to make possible significant changes in its prxis comunicacional.

Thus computer science comes contributing for the significant changes in the world of the work that had resulted one more time in the alteration of the paradigm of the production and also in the education. 2,2 Pedagogical update of psicopedagogo How much to the computerization of the education, it is agreed to Motta (1986, P. 123) when it judges that the effort of the education in the direction to form free, safe individuals and responsible, capable to think on account proper, it will be necessarily bigger and more difficult in the future of what already it has been. The computer has provoked a revolution in the education because of its capacity to teach. The possibilities of implantation of new techniques of education are practically limitless and are counted, today, with the relatively low financial cost to implant and to keep laboratories of computers, each time more demanded in such a way for parents how much for pupils.

Paper House

It is what it characterizes the popular culture: the learning obeys a system of traditions and customs. In this direction, it is interesting to think as the popular culture, through its more diverse references, can show to the Education, or to other sciences, that the predisposition to the learning becomes more detached the more significant will be the study object. To the educators who work with the small children, de0 a6 years, valley to retake, to consolidate this relation with the popular culture, the principle whom playing characterizes as activity where if it estimates a propitious relation to the process of integral development: partner-affective-intellect-emotional. In the practical one, she is necessary to be intent to the possibilities of redimensionamento of the strategies and the materials that we have by hand for the planning of activities that come to contribute, effectively, with this operacionalizao. Under this optics, Playing To fold Paper between Cantigas and Contos is an activity, but it could well be thought as a system: from the choice of pertinent a practical instrument the tricks (in the case, the paper and the possibilities of its transformation for the process to fold it), are developed flowing of infantile discoveries and/or retaken of cantigas and the verbal narratives. Remembering that already a popular song exists very (' ' &#039 was a funny house very; '), the educator can lead the initial trick exactly to strengthen what he has of funny in this house does not have soil, does not have window etc.

-, with the intention to become livings creature the verses of music. If the song not to appear spontaneously, nothing hinders to present it the group, teaching to it what it says the letter. To illustrate the possibilities of this activity, let us think about a simple model of folding, that all must know the house. It is a sufficiently classic figure.