The marginalizao of the aged one is really a cultural problem. It is good also for remembering that with passing of the age intelligence can or not suffer a decrease, differing from the memory, whose decline is inevitable. Although this can happen some authors (Gooldfarb, 1988; Simes, 1988) affirms that the will to learn is sufficient so that the learning occurs, in the same way that for an adolescent of 12 years to one gentleman of 80 years. Logically, the limitations caused for the aging, as well as the used strategies to compensate are evidenced them. In this way, the learning in the third age is viable, however it is limited specifically by the speed that the new task is presented, a time that the aged one holds back little information after a first presentation. Although many times camouflaged, can still be observed that many of the actions supposedly destined to take care of of the people oldest, nothing more are of what subterfuges to keep them isolated, as well as many elogiosos speeches they are not more than disguises to hide what of threatening and overwhelming the oldness it locks up in our imaginary social one. It is important to detach that the oldness is not an only process, but the addition of several others, distinct, between itself. Therefore, one another possible explanation for such difficulty in if categorizing oldness consists of the fact where it is not a state, but constant one and always unfinished process of subjetivao. Therefore, it can be said that for the most part of the time one does not exist ' ' to be velho' ' , but one ' ' to be envelhecendo' '. Love and sexuality in the third age Parallel to the difficulty that if has for the conceptualization of the oldness, are had, also, problematic of the acceptance of the practical lovers and sexual manifestations in people who if find in advanced age.