Intelligent Products Instead Of Waiting Loops

With the Internet of things, new worlds of service may arise in five years expects TrendONE Chief Nils Muller service innovations, which can lead to an end of the hotline hold Nuremberg -. This is at least his thesis, which he will present in October as one of the keynote speakers of the specialist Congress of Voice days plus in Nuremberg. We talk a lot about the Outernet currently. In the Outernet blend products and services in one intelligent unit, which is perceived by customers as a brand experience. The Internet virtually exploded from the computer in the real world. Especially on products that we use every day.

A BMW will be connected directly to the Internet – and is possible yes even now with the BMW ConnectedDrive. While sitting in the car, push a button and say: I’m looking for a three-star restaurant, where I can eat fish excellent.’ And then you get a reply directly. This is the Outernet: you must start at all no computer, but the product itself, in this case the car is directly connected to the Internet. Be so in the future “about the Internet of things all Internet-capable products”, explains Muller. The philosopher Peter Koslowski talks about a revolution of the world of things, if the silence of the object world is overcome.

According to Muller, new service worlds arise thereby. If washing machines, coffee vending machines, cars and even food are networked, hybrid products that can be directly linked with services arise. Each product can get a direct link to the customer service, feedback, communication, and dialogue. Kapoor’s capacity for dialogue describes the world as Transpondenkonnen”: there are possible although no answers to any questions, but things could give feedback on clearly formulated questions. So far, the human-to-human contact dominated for services. The Internet of things we experience a human product interaction”, says Muller.